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JVMI 50th Anniversary: Jewish Voice Ministries International

June 06, 2017

When Louis Kaplan, founder of Jewish Voice Broadcasts (JVB), passed away in 1999, Jonathan Bernis –founder of Hear O’ Israel Ministries – was already serving as JVB’s board-elected Executive Director. The two ministries operated side-by-side through the year 2000, but it was evident that with the same ministry focus, the time had come to merge them.

It’s Official

Birthed from the visions of two men, the labors of many faithful individuals, and most importantly, the assured calling of God, a brand new ministry was emerging. In the first jointly published magazine, in January of 2001, Jonathan Bernis explained:

It is our desire to be the best stewards possible of the time and finances that the Lord has entrusted to us, and we are certain that this merger is the best way to accomplish our mutual calling. We believe that this is a “merger made in Heaven.”

The newly named “Jewish Voice Ministries International” (JVMI), consisted of two departments: Jewish Voice Radio and Television and Hear O’ Israel Festivals.

2001 – Carrying on, with some changes    

Along with the merger, came the opportunity for fresh vision and creativity for the future. The“LeChayim” television show was renamed “The Jewish Voice Broadcast.” They remodeled the television set, and the media department began producing docudramas that re-enacted the personal testimonies of Jewish Believers. Later that year, the Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine went full-color.

By this time, the number of stations carrying the Jewish Voice radio program had dwindled to just 15. Jonathan and Dennis Phillips, now Director of Media Ministries, chose to cancel the radio program while they carefully evaluated whether or not to restart with a new format. In May 2001, the Jewish Voice radio broadcast went silent, and except for a few special productions, never returned to radio.

Ministry continued all around the globe with festivals, congregational planting, and discipleship. The Media crew produced half-hour specials featuring segments about the growing television ministry as well as footage from the festivals and accompanying humanitarian aid.


September 11th

In the fall of 2001, as the United States reeled over the attacks of 9/11, Jonathan Bernis helped JVMI partners find their equilibrium with these steadying, encouraging words in the magazine arriving at their doors just six weeks later:

The tragic events of September 11, 2001 have changed our lives forever. Never again will we feel the same sense of security and safety that we have known most or all of our lives living in the United States.… How do we cope with all that is happening? How can we find peace and stability at a time like this? The answer is clear – only through our faith in the Lord….

Faith is a fight. It is the only fight the Believer is called to…. Faith is trusting God in the midst of adversity, tribulation, or danger. Faith will drive out fear.…  Our security must not be rooted in anything this world may provide, but in God alone. Regardless of what may happen, our faith and hope is in our eternal destiny – and that truth will sustain us through any adversity or tragedy we must face.

2002 – Awards and Announcements

In the spring of 2002, the ministry redesigned and changed the name of its magazine to reflect a new day. In Jonathan’s opening letter of the April/May issue, he announced the “slight yet important name change to Jewish Voice Today.”  He explained, “We’ve added Today to our name for a reason…. We do not want to focus only on what the Lord did yesterday with the Jewish people. God is doing miracles today.” He continued, “God is speaking to us today. Biblical history is being written today. [Yeshua] longs for His brethren after the flesh to know Him now, today. Today is the day of Israel’s salvation.”

Also in 2002, the quality productions of the JVMI media team won their first awards. “Holocaust: Journey to Forgiveness – The Rose Price Story” received two Angel Awards and two bronze Telly Awards. The Al Kasha story, “A Perfect Life,” received one silver and two bronze Telly Awards.

Jewish star

In late 2002, Jonathan Bernis made another big announcement:

It brings me great joy to announce that after 42 years of being single, the Lord has brought me a wonderful helpmeet and partner. Her name is Elisangela, and she is a lovely Brazilian Believer that deeply loves the Lord and loves Israel. We will be getting married in Brazil this coming February.

Over the next two years (2003-2004), Jewish Voice hired its first COO, upgraded its website, and grew its intercessory prayer network to 4,000 prayer supporters. The Media department continued to enhance the quality and efficiency of production and introduced closed captioning.


2004 – Chira and 20 years

In January of 2004, Chira Kaplan – the woman who worked so tirelessly for love of the Jewish people and her Yeshua – passed away. Jonathan wrote a beautiful tribute honoring her in his opening letter of the March/April issue of Jewish Voice Today magazine.

The year 2004 concluded with Jonathan celebrating 20 years in ministry at a surprise party organized by Elisangela and the JVMI staff. Friends from around the world attended or sent videos, cards, and emails.


2005 - “Well, my life has changed forever”

In 2005, the Jewish Voice Today television program first made its way into Israel via the internet on, which showed the programs of Messianic ministries. In 2005, Jonathan announced an additional long-sought-after expansion: the program would, at last, begin airing on television stations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East – including Israel.

Jonathan had yet another announcement in 2005. He began his letter in the magazine by proudly saying, “Well, my life has changed forever. At the ripe old age of 45, I am finally a father!” Jonathan and Elisangela’s first child, a daughter they named Liel, was born in March of that year.


2006 – Engagements and Canada

Part of the mission of Jewish Voice Ministries is to inspire the Gentile Church to an appreciation for its deep connection to Judaism and a love for the Jewish people. The JVMI Speakers Bureau is an important avenue of this mission. In the summer of 2005, over 115 churches and groups across the country had scheduled meetings or presentations, and the JVMI speaking calendar was booked through the following April. For Passover 2006, Jonathan conducted the first ever valley-wide Passover Seder in the Phoenix area.

Also in 2006, JVMI grew to include Jewish Voice Ministries Canada, a branch of Jewish Voice Ministries International represented with a separate board of directors to help support and facilitate ministry functions there.

From the beginning, Hear O’ Israel Ministries had included humanitarian relief alongside its festivals. As the most intense revival years of post-Soviet Russia were tapering off, the Lord was pointing Jewish Voice toward the poverty-stricken “Lost Tribes” Jews of India and Ethiopia. Jonathan was in Ethiopia to speak at a conference when the Lord impressed upon his heart that Jewish Voice needed to respond in an ongoing way to the immense need Ethiopia. Jewish Voice was being called to Ethiopia.


Find out how God led Jonathan Bernis and JVMI into a new ministry direction focusing on humanitarian aid and medical outreaches we are known for today – next month in July’s JVMI 50th Anniversary blog post.


Don’t’ miss Flashback Fridays on our Facebook page where you’ll see glimpses of our 50-year journey.


Discover the whole inspiring JVMI story with our beautiful, full-color coffee table book, Jewish Voice: A Look at 50 Years. Along with a fascinating narrative chronicling 50 years of ministry, this special edition includes biographies, stories, and reflections from television guests, partners, and staff as well as over 200 photographs.  


Join us on the Jewish Voice Blog each month in 2017 as we unfold the Jewish Voice story and piece together for you how two ministries with the same heart merged to become the Jewish Voice Ministries International you know today.


Previous JVMI 50th Anniversary blog posts: 

Meet Louis and Chira Kaplan

The Early Years – Jewish Voice Broadcasts

Jonathan Bernis

Hear O’ Israel Ministries

Meeting, Partnering, and Merging

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