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JVMI Medical Missions: A Place for Non-Medical Volunteers

February 26, 2014

line Bob, a Line Management volunteer, walks the lines checking for patients who need immediate care. Jewish Voice medical missions, 2012 Woliso Ethiopia.

If you’re not a medical professional, the very phrase, “medical missions,” may cause you to think there is no reason to look at our Outreaches. “I’m not a doctor, or a nurse,” you might be saying. “I’m not in the medical field at all. These mission trips don’t need me.” If this is what you’re thinking, we enthusiastically assure you that you are wrong!

One of the surprising and unusual features of JVMI medical mission trips is that we have need of many non-medical volunteers. In fact, these roles are vital to our outreaches and have a powerful place in sharing the love and compassion of Yeshua that motivates our missions. During the course of a five-day clinic, our medical professionals see thousands of patients – usually somewhere between five and ten thousand! And they can’t do it without our non-medical support team!

line2 Mary, a Line Management volunteer, leads the next group of patients into the clinic compound for treatment. Jewish Voice medical missions, 2012 Woliso Ethiopia.

We have need of Line Management volunteers who will work with translators to organize waiting patients according to their medical needs and stay in contact with the various departments concerning when more patients can be brought into the compound. This team also has the privilege of walking the lines of beautiful and needy people in search of those that need urgent care. Our clinics provide life-saving medical care and every day we encounter patients far back in the lines who are so sick they need to be seen immediately.

line3 Bob, a Line Management volunteer, prays over patients waiting to be seen in the JVMI medical and dental clinic. 2012 Woliso Ethiopia.

Another ministry role for people on this team is prayer. As they go about their work, volunteers can pray for the people we’re serving. This is no little contribution! God is the Master Healer and He loves the prayers that His people bring to Him on behalf of others in the world. Calling upon His power and love to meet the souls and needs of these impoverished individuals – as well as the team serving them – is a vital work.

If prayer is your heart’s passion, we have the perfect place for you in our Prayer Room. Working with a translator, you will meet with patients and their families to pray for their needs and share the Good News of Yeshua with them. While it is our blessing to bring free medical and dental care to their needy bodies, it is our deepest desire to bring eternal life in Yeshua to their hurting and hungry souls. It is the ultimate reason that we go. Every patient is invited to the Prayer Room and we need volunteers who love to share the message of hope in Yeshua through the Scriptures and pray for people. Your prayers and the love you show in giving them spiritual hope will have a mighty impact in the lives of these needy and neglected people.

line4 Prayer room volunteers pray for the needs of patients and share the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with them. Jewish Voice medical missions, 2012 Woliso Ethiopia.

So check out our 2014 medical mission schedule today! There is a place waiting for you on one of our mission trips! Visit the Medical Outreaches page of our website to learn more about our upcoming mission trips.

Our team is headed to Woliso, Ethiopia this week and we greatly appreciate your prayers. Our next trip will be to Addis Ababa, the bustling capitol city of Ethiopia that has a population of over three million. Pray. Plan. Come with us!

Become a Jewish Voice Prayer Partner and undergird our ministries with your prayer! Visit the Prayer page of our website and sign up today.

DSC_0259 Prayer room volunteers pray for the needs of patients and share the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with them. Jewish Voice medical missions, 2012 Woliso, Ethiopia.


There is a place waiting for you!

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