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Lord, May Your Kingdom Come to Addis Ababa

April 25, 2014


“See, I Am Doing a New Thing!” – Isaiah 43:19

Although we’ve been to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia many times before, the word that keeps popping up in regards to Jewish Voice Ministries’ 2014 Medical Outreach there is new! May the One who makes all things new truly breathe new life into everything we will be doing there this year!

SPECIALTY CLINIC: This is our first Specialty Eye and Dental Medical Clinic. Taking place Monday, April 28 through Friday, May 2, this is one of the new aspects of this Medical Outreach!  Please pray:


  • For protection and blessing for all our Staff and Volunteer Team members, as well as their families and all that pertains to them back home
  • For the Eye and Dental Teams, that the Lord would strengthen the work of their hands, multiply their efforts, and give them an anointing to effectively treat and minister to all who come
  • For shalom over all the participants
  • For the many who come, that they not only receive physical help and healing, but that they also come into the Prayer Room and receive the gift of new life - salvation through Yeshua (Jesus)!

LEADERS CONFERENCE: Meanwhile, Thursday and Friday of the same week, May 1-2, Jonathan Bernis will be leading another new element, a pastor’s conference during which he will speak to hundreds of key evangelical leaders from the area.  Please pray:


  • For many to come and be highly impacted and united
  • For the Lord’s anointing on Jonathan Bernis as he speaks profound truth regarding God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish People
  • For wisdom and discernment for him as he encourages, inspires and responds to them
  • For their ability to receive truth, and for revelation from the Holy Spirit as to how it applies to them right there in Ethiopia
  • For the breaking off of any anti-Semitism or Replacement Theology that might be present in any of these leaders or the groups they represent

CONCERT: The week will end on Saturday, May 3 when we will host a wonderful concert, a mini-version of our large-scale Festivals, during which our guests – anyone from the area who will come - will experience the artistry and ministry of beautiful Messianic Jewish Music and a stirring message from Jonathan Bernis. Join us in praying:


  • For the venue to be filled with people and with the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • For many to come to Yeshua and be open to receiving more information and follow-up

YOUNG LEADERS: Last but not least, a final new element will be the participation of a half dozen key, young Messianic leaders who, through participating in this multi-faceted clinic, conference, and concert in Addis Ababa, will be getting a taste of Jewish Voice’s Global Outreaches. Pray for:


  • Our Global Ministries Team as they create and facilitate the engagement plan for these leaders for the week
  • For God’s perfect placement of each of them as they pitch in to help and to learn
  • For this to be a divine appointment that will impact each of them and those they influence, as well as advance the kingdom during this Medical Outreach

LORD, we see the new things you are doing and our hearts spring up in prayer! May Your kingdom come to Addis Ababa in new ways! AMEN!

Invite your friends and family to become Jewish Voice Ministries Prayer Partners by sending them this link.

Start praying now for our upcoming 2014 Medical Outreaches, and consider joining us!

Let us know how we can pray for you.

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