Have you ever witnessed someone receive a gift that was so needed and so perfect for them that you knew it would change their lives? Have you known the joy and sense of fulfillment from being the person to give such a gift? It’s as if all the happiness of the recipient is given right back to you.
You can give that kind of life-changing gift to a Jewish child, woman or man right now.
This holiday season, when you shop the Jewish Voice gift catalog, you provide Jewish people and their neighbors with gifts that make a radical difference in their lives.
Take a look at our most popular gift items below or browse through the full gift catalog to find the gift that inspires you most.
Where Most Needed
Can’t decide what to give? A multi-faceted ministry such as JVMI encounters needs at every turn. Give with the assurance that we’ll use your gift where the need is greatest.
Individual LifeStraw®
Clean water is vital to health. Lifestraw® personal water filters provide a Jewish person with safe drinking water for up to a year.
Two Bibles in Native Language
Transform the spiritual lives of two people with the powerful, life-giving Word of God in their own language.
General Medical for Africa Outreach
Give the gift of healing to people who live without access to medical care. You’ll relieve pain, restore eyesight or even save a life.
Resources for Children’s Ministry
Oh, the smiles you’ll generate when you provide resources for projects that share the Gospel and show precious children how much they are loved.
Want to see more options? Look through the full Jewish Voice gift catalog, and see just how much of a difference you can make in the life of a Jewish person in need.