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Mberewngwa Recap

June 02, 2016



A few months ago, we told you that we were planning an outreach to Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, to bring clean water, humanitarian aid, and the Good News of Yeshua. We are excited to report that the outreach is complete, and the numbers are again staggering.

In all, Jewish Voice and our partners were able to treat 8,499 patients, hand out 1,076 eyeglasses, provide dental care to 1,188 people, perform 38 minor surgeries, and distribute 1,000 LifeStraws®.

Moreover, we had 3,437 people visit our prayer tents with 754 who professed Yeshua as their Messiah! Praise God!

Your prayers and financial support made this outreach possible. We are so thankful for your faithful prayers and giving.

As 8,499 patients received treatment for physical ailments, they each encountered Messiah Yeshua in the form of a staff member, outreach partner, and medical professional. As ministers of the Good News, we have the awesome privilege and responsibility of carrying Him with us everywhere we go.

Through your support of Jewish Voice, you have touched hurting lives with new health, and even more importantly, new life in Messiah Yeshua. With your ongoing help, we can keep providing medical clinics and take the Good News to the Jewish People around the world – and together we will watch as God further dismantles strongholds of oppression against the Lemba in Mberengwa and elsewhere.

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