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Medical Missions Ethiopia - Children

May 02, 2014


Bee Sting Buddy

How painful to be stung by a bee around your eye! On Monday at our medical missions clinic, a little guy named Enbalchocho came to us with his eye swollen shut from a bee sting. Grimacing with the pain and discomfort, he did not look happy. The next day some volunteers caught up with the boy outside the gates, playing in the street with friends. Today, only the still-loose skin under his eye identifies DSC_0058him as the same boy. Different clothes and a freshly shaved head made it difficult to tell, but close examination of the photos and   small facial scars on his forehead confirm it. The same boy is a “different” boy now that healing is taking over. It is not often that we have the opportunity to capture photos of our beloved patients on multiple days, marking their progress and rekindling the bonds begun when we first saw them. It was a special treat to see Enbalchocho on three separate days. DSC_0089-2

It looks like he’s getting back to being a fun-loving little boy.

Happy faces from our medical missions

Though conditions are very hard for all these dear people, happy faces can still be found. The children are especially fond of having their pictures taken. While some are shy and some seem unsure, there are some children who are excited and can’t get enough of the camera, or the attention shown them by the photographer. Here are a few photos of sweet faces we have met this week in Addis Ababa.




















Why not consider coming along on one of our upcoming medical missions!You don't have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2014 schedule of mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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