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Medical Missions in the Ethiopian Mountains

February 04, 2016

Tach Gayint mountainsTach Gayint is a beautiful mountainous region with spectacular vistas.  Our medical outreach team is there right now providing free medical, dental, and eye care to the impoverished Jewish People of the region, and to their neighbors.  We’re also distributing water filtration devices (LifeStraws®) and sharing the love and Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus). For five busy days, we are dispensing compassionate healthcare, clean water, and the Living Water.

On Sunday, the clinic opened, and we saw the longest lines for any opening day we can remember.

On Monday, we were reminded of the great need for eye care. Poor vision makes an already difficult life even more so. Improper sanitation and lack of knowledge cause the spread of trachoma, a highly contagious and painful eye disease that can lead to blindness. Cataracts are also a major reason for loss of eyesight. Our team of eye surgeons is relieving pain and restoring sight.

Early Tuesday morning revealed quiet, orderly lines curving along the dusty landscape, stretching far into the distance. This clinic is so vitally important to these needy people that they are coming from far and wide to receive the aid we offer in Jesus’ name.

On Wednesday, our team saw people coming from all directions to get in line for healthcare, water education, and LifeStraw® distribution– in greater numbers than we had seen the previous days. Part of our team visited a nearby village established on a mountainside.  We took Family LifeStraws® to three households and also passed out individual LifeStraw® water purification devices to dozens of people there. Our presence drew curious neighbors and soon many people filled the homes we visited. After teaching the family how to use their Family LifeStraw®, we shared the Gospel with all who were present in each home, and every one of them came to faith and confessed Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah. We prayed with them and for them before we left each house.

tach1As we left the mountainside village, our new brothers and sisters in the Lord gathered to say good-bye to us. They will remain forever in our hearts.

Thursday morning, another gorgeous sunrise greeted our team in Tach Gayint.

As the day began, we prayed over our Bete Israel workers who are helping us with translation and other aspects of the vast undertaking of a medical mission.



We so appreciate your prayers for this medical outreach. For a list of ways you can pray for the remaining two clinic days, the take-down operations, and trip home, please click here. Your prayers are more important than you know, and we thank you so much for them!

Have you ever thought of joining us for a medical outreach? We need both medical and non-medical outreach partners. Find out what kind of difference YOU can make! Learn more about our 2016 medical outreaches here.

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