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Medical Missions: God Is Moving in Zimbabwe!

January 27, 2015

“The nursing station for our medical clinic in Zimbabwe was a bustling hub of activity. What was so unique was the sporadic arrival of the most sick pushed in wheelbarrows by their friends and family members over the rough terrain in the hot sun and to our doorstep.  These and others arrived in their one-wheeled ambulances to be ministered to, seeking our help in their desperation. In the name of Yeshua we gave our all, knowing that ‘to the extent that we did it to one of these…even to the least of them, we did it to Him.’ (Matthew 25:40)”

- Kris, RN, Mberengwa Zimbabwe 2013

Something is going on in Zimbabwe!

God is moving in Zimbabwe, and members of the Jewish Lemba Tribe are coming to know their Messiah Yeshua in astounding numbers!

As we offer free medical and dental care to these desperately needy people, we show them the love of Yeshua and hearts are opened to meet Him.

Thousands are coming to faith in Yeshua!

We URGENTLY need your help to minister to these precious Jewish People as they respond to a move of God in their midst.

Jewish Voice Ministries’ 2015 Zimbabwe Medical Outreaches 

The Lemba are from the priestly lineage of Aaron living in many areas of Zimbabwe. This year we are visiting two separate locations – Mberengwa and Gutu – to bring life-saving medical and dental care, and the Good News of Yeshua.

The Lemba have been waiting for centuries for their Messiah. Imagine being the one to give a member of this ancient Jewish tribe the Good News that their Messiah has come, and to introduce them to Him!

Go to Mberengwa and Experience World Famous Victoria Falls with Jonathan Bernis!

Our Mberengwa outreach will include a day trip to the most spectacular falls in the world! The Zambezi River runs along the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is over one and a quarter miles wide when it falls more than 350 feet over a large plateau creating one of the Seven Wonders of the World: Victoria Falls.

Space is limited for the Victoria Falls trip. Register for the Mberengwa outreach and reserve your place today!



April 23-May 4 July 30 – Aug 10

Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

Click here for additional 2015 JVMI outreach opportunities.

We Need Medical Missions Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers!  

Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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