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Medical Missions Update: Addis Ababa Closing Field Report

May 07, 2014

addis1Faces and scenes from the amazing experience are flashing through their minds. We are certain of it. Though members of our Addis Ababa medical missions team are back at home settling into their regular routines, we know that they left a portion of their heart back in Ethiopia. Another dynamic medical outreach has come to a close. The team left Ethiopia Sunday night after a powerful week together serving and loving the impoverished people of the Kechene community.

Unity a blessing on medical missions

The last clinic day was Friday and the weekend was spent enjoying worship services, shopping, and a special closing time for our team where we shared testimonies, praises, and worship together. The team was a diverse group from all ages and stages of life who came together as a unified team. This week had a number of new elements that could have caused great stress and anxiety, but instead caused our team to join together even more than usual.

It was a special week of ministry and sharing the love and Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).

We are forever grateful for your prayers!

The clinic was by far the most peaceful clinic week we have had in Kechene. We had a phenomenal end to the Addis clinic.

Numbers are people!

Each one of these numbers represents a life that was changed, impacted by the love of Yeshua. The numbers are large but each one reflects a personal encounter with a doctor, nurse, dentist, optician, or another medical missions team member. The number of prayer room visits reflects personal conversations of heartfelt prayer and sharing the Good News of Yeshua with hungry, hurting souls that need Him.

Clinic Week Totals (28 April – 2 May)     addis2 6,572 Patients Treated 1,035 Dental 3,286 Glasses Distributed 1,573 Prayer Room Visits 902 People who Received Yeshua 323 Healings 50 Deliverances

More than medical missions

The young messianic leaders program provided an added element to the medical missions week. The group of leaders selected addis3 could not have been a better group. They connected with the local leaders and were such an integral part of the participant team. They were blessed to be there and to learn and share their experiences with our participants.

The leadership conference was a major success and with over 2,000 in attendance on the final day. Two local worship acts opened the day and Jonathan spoke an inspiring message of love and hope. Mezmur ZeMichael, JVMI Africa Director, also invited our JVMI international volunteer  team up to pray for those in attendance who were suffering from incurable diseases. What a powerful day! The Lord provided such grace and favor for this event. There is more to come as a partnership has emerged from this conference between JVMI and the Evangelical leaders of Ethiopia!

We saw the Lord mend relationships among the Ethiopians and cause influential leaders to soften their hearts to the Jewish People within their communities. Once again, thank you all for your prayers and support. The team may be home now, but the impact of the week continues, on both sides of the globe.

Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don't have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2014 schedule of mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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