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Medical Missions: Who is Waiting for Us in Buhera?

July 26, 2014

Our team is on its way to Zimbabwe!  Over the weekend they will finish up their travels to Buhera – a rural region of the country – and help with the final set-up of the clinic facilities. Big white tents become a triage center, nurses’ units, examination rooms, and even surgical units. While we may have the luxury of a couple of standing walls here and there, or perhaps even a building with full-fledged rooms, the JVMI medical mission compound will also house a pharmacy and a prayer room.

buhera1Who is waiting for us?

By now, people from the entire area have heard we are coming. Word spreads. This clinic may be the only opportunity they have ever had to receive medical care. They will come from nearby villages and towns, and even from the country. Some may be setting out on their journey right now in order to reach us by Monday when the clinic opens for its first day. They walk, come by burro, by horse, or by cart. Some will be so ill and impoverished that they will come to the clinic sitting in a wheelbarrow pushed by determined and loving family members.

Who are the people that our medical mission volunteers are so eager to help? The region is home to the Lemba, a Jewish People who have maintained their Jewish customs for centuries and are descendants of the priestly line of Aaron. Through our Jewish Voice medical missions they are being introduced to their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). Thousands of Zimbabwe’s Lemba have come to faith in Yeshua through our clinic outreaches. Tens of thousands have received free medical and dental care. We even do eye surgeries in the field!

Here are some photos of the beautiful Lemba and their neighbors we helped on last year’s mission trip to Buhera. As you look into the eyes of these precious people, please pray for them and those who we will meet in just a few days. Very likely, according to past missions trips, we will see around 1,000 people or more each day. Every patient and family member is invited to our prayer room to receive prayers for their health and other needs. There they also have the opportunity to hear the Good News of Yeshua. We appreciate – and need – your prayers for our staff and volunteers, for smooth clinic functions, and a tremendous impact in Yeshua’s name.

Visit our website to learn more about the ministries of Jewish Voice. To see our 2015 schedule of medical missions trips, visit our Medical Outreaches page.






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