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Medical Outreach in Masvingo, Zimbabwe

March 13, 2019

It broke our hearts when we arrived in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, for the first time and found so many in line for treatment. They’d spent the night there, sleeping on the cold hard ground, waiting for us. We saw so much poverty and sickness at that Clinic that we can only imagine what we might encounter now given Zimbabwe’s current turmoil. May this next Medical Outreach bring hope, life, and health – both physically and spiritually – to each one the Lord brings our way.

At that time, we saw much poverty and sickness among the Lemba and their neighbors. We can only imagine what we might encounter now, given Zimbabwe’s current turmoil. We will offer all we can, and we deeply desire your partnership in prayer as we do. May this Medical Outreach bring hope, life, and health – both physically and spiritually – to each one the Lord brings our way.

Please help cover the Masvingo, Zimbabwe, Medical Outreach in prayer by signing up to pray from home for a half-hour or more. The full list of daily prayer requests is listed below. Through your prayers, the Lemba and their neighbors can be touched by the care and salvation only Yeshua (Jesus) can bring.

Chitsungo, Zimbabwe - Kennias

Please pray for:

Wednesday, March 20–Wednesday, March 27 Psalm 37:23 TLV

  • The Lord's help in ministering in Zimbabwe at this particular time
  • All the in-country logistics to be complete and in place in a timely manner, including successful transportation and safe, effective set-up of all equipment
  • Favor from the community and its leaders
  • Foresight and preparation from God for the unexpected

Thursday, March 28 • Deuteronomy 28:6

  • Stamina and shalom for staff overseeing last-minute details and safe and timely travel for partners and their luggage.
  • All passengers and luggage to travel safely and arrive on time.
  • Expectancy for each partner as the Lord stirs faith, hope, and vision for how He wants to use them during the Outreach.

Friday, March 29 • Psalm 4:8

  • The Lord to prepare each of us to work together effectively and express the love of Yeshua through unity.
  • Restorative sleep and for everyone's internal time clocks to quickly sync with Zimbabwe's time zone.
  • Safe, timely and uneventful travel on rugged roads to Masvingo, each vehicle and driver operating with excellence.

Saturday, March 30 • Exodus 13:21

  • The Lord's protective and guiding presence over the campsite and Clinic – by night and by day
  • The staff as they help everyone settle in at the campsite
  • Good relationships and unity among partners to begin forming a strong foundation from which to minister together
  • The powers of darkness to step back and the King of Glory to come in and do great things for the people of Masvingo.

Sunday, March 31 • Colossians 2:2‒3

  • Discernment and wisdom in the hiring of local workers who will serve with humility, honesty, and diligence.
  • Each orientation to be clearly understood so every area can run efficiently throughout the week.
  • A smooth start to the Outreach during this half-day of treatment, and shalom in the lines.
  • Protection for the many patients traveling various distances to receive medical care at the Clinic, some even sleeping overnight on the ground to ensure their place in line.

Monday, April 1 • Philippians 4:19

  • Hope – especially that which comes from knowing Yeshua – for the people and nation of Zimbabwe in a time of hardship and crisis
  • Supernatural power and resources from El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One, to help us meet the needs of those coming to us
  • The Shabbat School training we will offer on Tuesday to local congregational leaders for their equipping in teaching and ministering to children

Tuesday, April 2 • Romans 15:19

  • Spiritual and physical protection over every aspect of the Outreach, including partners, resources, vehicles and equipment
  • Powerful and jubilant worship as a local choir leads us into the Lord's presence during the week
  • Congregational leaders and prayer team members to be filled with strength, anointing, and boldness from the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel of Yeshua clearly

Wednesday, April 3 • Mark 10:15

  • The Zehra Kids Program, conducted at the Clinic and in the surrounding area, to profoundly affect many children
  • God to perform signs and wonders through our staff and partners that will confirm His all-surpassing power and lead to salvations
  • The entire Masvingo area to be even more receptive to the Good News than in the past

Thursday, April 4 • Acts 2:41

  • Good connections between local congregational leaders and new Believers that will be added to their fellowships
  • Energy for the medical professionals and other volunteers to finish the week strong and encouraged
  • Each person who comes for treatment tomorrow (the last day of the Clinic itself) to receive care ‒ either from us or directly from the Lord by His Spirit

Friday, April 5 • Matthew 25:23

  • Each Outreach Partner to know that their work has not been in vain
  • A wonderful time of celebration and Shabbat rest
  • Testimonies to the goodness and power of God as a result of the week's ministry
  • Safety tearing down and packing up the Clinic and campsite

Saturday, April 6 • 2 Corinthians 2:15

  • Renewal for each participant during this day of rest and recreation
  • The Lord to revive hope and minister to any hearts that are heavy as a result of seeing firsthand the distress of the nation and people
  • The fragrance of Yeshua to linger in Masvingo and the new Believers to grow mighty in their faith

Sunday, April 7–Monday, April 8 • Isaiah 58:11

  • Safe travel home for partners and the ability to re-engage with everyday life while also carrying the people and nation of Zimbabwe in their hearts with even greater passion
  • Protection and provision for any staff members staying behind tying up loose ends to complete the Outreach
  • Wisdom, resources and favor for Jewish Voice for future ministry in Zimbabwe to share the care and Good News of Yeshua during this period of so much need
Chitsungo, Zimbabwe - Waiting

We pray:

Lord, right now, our hearts and attention are drawn to the nation and people of Zimbabwe. Yet You see and care for them every day.  Will You allow us to partner with You even more effectively during this Medical Outreach and going forward?  Will You heal the sick, save the lost, deliver the oppressed and provide for the needy?  And will You teach us how to watch and pray and love alongside You as you do?  Thank You, Lord. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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