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Messianic Jewish Passover Devotion, Day 8

April 18, 2019

God Gives Us Hope for the Future 

At Passover, God was setting things up to introduce Israel to an entirely new future. He was in the process of freeing the Jewish people from 400 years of slavery. He had a plan for them, and He was bringing it about. They eagerly expected Him to unfold His plan and make it their reality.

Jeremiah 29:11 was spoken to Israel as a nation, but it encourages us as Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) that God has a plan for each of us individually as well – a good plan, to give us a hope and a future. We can look ahead and know that God has good things in mind for us. 

He doesn’t unfold our future all at once. He wants us to trust Him along the way. Sometimes, His plans don’t line up with what we have in mind, and when we believe Him, we experience new depths of His love for us. 

God knows and loves you completely. He knows the plans He has for you, and He promises they are good, for your welfare, not for calamity. Believing Him in this generates a watchful hope. Draw close to Him today, and listen for His leading into the good future He has in store for you. Lay your dreams and needs before Him, and see what He will do.

Passover Prayer for Day 8

Father, it is so exciting to think that You have good plans for me. Thank You so much. Give me an expectant heart that trusts in You as I travel the road to the fulfillment of those plans. Help me draw close to You and observe with a grateful heart every part of the journey – even the bumps and unexpected turns. May I always give You my praise, trust and obedience as You continue to unfold Your purposes for my life.

Get Yeshua's Final Passover DVD

In this inspirational DVD, filmed on location in Jerusalem in the Upper Room, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis teaches us how to observe the rich traditions of the Passover Seder — just as Yeshua (Jesus) did with His disciples over 2,000 years ago, known as the Last Supper. 

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