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Missile Testing - A Breach in Resolutions

February 10, 2017

Iran has tested a homemade cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The test came hours after its test-firing of a medium-range ballistic missile, also capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction.

The ballistic missile test prompted the Trump administration to put Iran “on notice,” even as it signaled a tougher stance toward Iran, one that could raise tensions in the already unstable Middle East region.

The Jerusalem Post reported the cruise missile was built in Iran and traveled around 375 miles in its first known successful test. The nuclear-capable weapon is believed to have a range of more than 1,800 miles—more than enough to reach Israel. The ballistic missile has an even longer range of about 2,500 miles.

Under a 2015 international nuclear agreement with the U.S. and five other major world powers, Iran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of most oil and financial sanctions against it. The deal resulted in $150 billion being returned to a nation that is a known sponsor of terrorism.

For its part, Iran says its missile systems are not specifically banned by any United Nations resolutions or the 2015 nuclear pact because it does not have a nuclear program. But National Security Advisor Michael Flynn cited the actual language of the agreement as saying that Iran is “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”



The Trump administration obviously disagrees with Tehran. Speaking publicly for the first time since he became the President’s National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn vowed to act decisively in response. He said the tests “underscore what should have been clear to the international community all along about Iran’s destabilizing behavior across the Middle East.”

The White House followed through last Friday by imposing fresh sanctions on multiple Iranian entities and individuals. In an online report by the Times of Israel, those targeted include various agents, companies, and associates involved in procuring ballistic missile technology for Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the test a “flagrant breach” of UN Security Council resolutions. On Monday, Netanyahu said he would discuss with President Trump at a meeting scheduled for February 15 in Washington a reevaluation of the “entire failed nuclear accord” signed in 2015.

Iran’s actions are unmistakably intended to be provocative and menacing. I believe the U.S. is right to not only condemn Iran, but to take immediate and meaningful steps in response. The new economic sanctions are a good start.

The February 15 meeting in Washington could be crucial. I ask you to join me in prayer for the two leaders, that they’ll act carefully and decisively to protect the security of Israel, our trusted ally in the Middle East.

As always, we are so appreciative of your support for Israel and for the work of Jewish Voice as we take the Gospel to Jewish people and their neighbors throughout the world. We look forward to the day when all Israel is saved through faith in Yeshua — who is both the Lamb that was slain and the Lion of Judah.

To thank you for your gift of $50 today, we’ll send you the exquisite Lion of Judah tapestry. Its beautiful lion sits stately next to a Star of David reminding us that the Gospel is “for the Jew first” according to Romans 1:16.

We are grateful for your prayers for Israel in these quickly changing days, and for God’s work among Jewish people everywhere.


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