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National Day of Prayer: Praying for US – and Israel too!

May 04, 2017

Holy land

Most of us have prayed for our nation.  We would no doubt be hard pressed to find those of us who didn’t pray on or around the tragedy of 9/11, even if it was to simply utter a heart-wrenching, “Oh, God!” as we watched the sobering scenes unfold before us. We have prayed in wartime, during elections, when our cities were riddled with crime waves or terrorism, and when our communities and states were impacted by natural disasters. 


We confess we have turned to God again and again as our last resort, and hopefully, at times as our first. The weight of issues facing our nation really warrants daily prayer, and yet there has been one day in particular set aside in the United States as truly being a day to pray for our Nation itself.


This year the National Day of Prayer falls on Thursday, May 4, 2017.  Imagine the many thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, around the country who will be praying for the United States on that day.  We encourage you join them as we will!


Praying for U.S. and Israel


We at Jewish Voice Ministries will also take the United States’ National Day of Prayer as an opportunity to pray for Israel. There is not just a political alliance between our two nations, but an alliance in the Spirit as well.  Scripture says that those who bless Israel will be blessed (Genesis 12:3), and that those who pray for Jerusalem will prosper (Psalm 122:6). When we pray for our nation, whether it be the United States or elsewhere, we know the Lord will bless in return.  But when we pray for Israel, we know that not only will Israel benefit, but our own nation as well, as we reap the blessing Scripture promises for those who favor Zion. Praying for Israel reaps a double blessing – for Israel, AND for our nation.


So, what are some common areas and issues we can cover in prayer for Israel and for the United States? 1 Timothy 2:1-2 gives us direction.


Prayers for individuals


First of all, this passage encourages us to pray for all people.  Let’s pray for all the citizens of our two nations.  A nation is made up of many individuals, each of whom makes decisions every day that impact many lives around them.  As you think of Israel and the United States, pray for people who are in your own line of work, stage of life, or your own personal frame of mind or circumstance.  Pray for the Lord to bless those who are like you―and those who are not.


Prayers for national authorities


Then, we are exhorted to pray specifically for those who are in authority, not just those at the very top, but anyone who holds authority.  We can pray for their salvation, protection, and wisdom. In the U.S., this would include President Trump, our Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, and Military Leaders.  As we pray for Israel we can lift up Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Knesset, their Supreme Court, and leaders of the Israeli Defense Forces. We can also pray for the Lord’s help for our leaders in maintaining a healthy working relationship between our two nations.


Prayers for local authorities


Prayers for the National Day of Prayer could also include those in similar positions in our states, cities, and local governing bodies, such as university and school boards, authorities over first responders, and key leaders and influencers in religion, business and media. Pray especially for those who lead the Body of Messiah in the U.S. and Israel nations, that they would be protected and by God’s grace make a lasting impact in their regions for His Kingdom.


Prayers for household authorities


May our prayers for those in authority extend all the way into the home, as we pray for husbands and wives, and married and single moms and dads seeking to navigate families well in trying times.  Each home and family is a building block in the structure of our nations as a whole.


Prayers for enemy authorities


Both Israel and the United States share some common enemies. So here’s a unique angle on praying for those in authority: have you ever thought about praying for leaders of gangs, terror cells, and cults?  We certainly know they exist, both in the United States, in Israel, and no doubt every nation of the world.  What might change in those organizations if the leaders became radically saved like Paul did when he experienced an encounter with Yeshua that changed not only the course of his life but propelled the Good News into the nations? What kind of influence might these leaders wield if they were rescued from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light?


Why pray?


That begins to touch on our motivation as we intercede. Paul in 1 Timothy doesn’t just tell us what to pray – he also tells us why to pray for all people and for those in authority. God desires that we be able to live “a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and respectfulness” (1 Timothy 2:2b), and we know that leaders of all kinds and at all levels impact the quality of life for citizens.  The desired scriptural outcome of living under good government is not just to bless people’s everyday lives, but to create an atmosphere where the Good News of Yeshua is able to go forth freely, available to all, so they can be saved by knowing the truth. That is our heart’s desire for the citizens in our nation, the people of Israel, the Jewish people, and all others in the nations of the earth.


Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 2:7 that he sees himself as called to teach and live out this Good News for the benefit of others.  We are called as well―called to pray. And our prayers can impact not only our own lives and interests but the life and well-being of nations, impacting millions.


On this year’s National Day of Prayer, let’s pray―really pray―for Israel and America, and let’s make a commitment to do so not just one day a year, but every day.  Perhaps this next year holds abundant blessings; perhaps it holds grave challenges beyond our knowledge at this time; and possibly both.  Regardless, because of God’s grace, a daily investment of prayer for the welfare of Israel, the United States, and other nations the Lord has placed on your heart will bear fruit, fruit beyond what we can imagine in this moment. Let’s pray!


Therefore, first of all I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people— for kings and all who are in authority—so we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and respectfulness. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior. He desires all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth.

―1 Timothy 2:1-4 TLV



I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

―Genesis 12:3 NIV


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”

Psalm 122:6 NKJ

                                Free Prayer Guide 

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