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This Is An Outrageous Message

October 25, 2016

Last week, I told you about a shocking resolution being considered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). On Tuesday, by a vote of 23-6, it passed. The resolution directs that the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in Jerusalem be referred to only by their Islamic names. This, in effect, erases Israel’s historical ties to these sites that have played such an integral part in Jewish and Israeli history for millennia.

The Arab-sponsored resolution reveals a Palestinian attempt to reclassify the site holy to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as solely Muslim by insisting it be known only by the Muslim name al-Haram al-Sharif. As you can imagine, the Islamic bloc hails the decision as supportive of the outright denial of Israel as a nation.

It is a huge blow against decades of archeological study by Jewish historians, European and American universities, and the fight is far from over.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu said, “To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and Western Wall is like saying China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or Egypt has no connection to the pyramids” (Ynet News). Prominent Middle East anchorwoman Ayala Hasson challenged the outrageous claims by asking if UNESCO would accept a resolution that said Christians had no ties to the Vatican or that Muslims had no ties to Mecca?

Lack of a clear answer from UNESCO implies that reality is erased when it comes to legitimizing Jewish history. Though the Bible is likely the most read book in the world, when it comes to geopolitics, it evidently has no bearing at the UN, which heavily favors the Palestinians.

This is why we must remain diligent. Our mission of awareness and education becomes even more critical when a light is shined on such poisonous attempts to erase Jewish history—even in the Holy Land.

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To the Jew first and also to the Nations, Jonathan Bernis



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