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Outreach Recap: How you changed lives in Chatikobo, Zimbabwe

July 22, 2024

Bearing Fruit in Chatikobo, Zimbabwe

Have a look at the lives you changed in Chatikobo:

  • 9,904 Patients Received Care
  • 1,223 People Received Dental Care
  • 1,819 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 120 Families Received LifeStraw® Water Filters
  • 1,220 Children Attended the Zehra Kids Program
  • 1,333 School Children Experienced Zehra in Their School
  • 4,351 People Visited the Spiritual Care Ministry
  • 235 People Received Yeshua 
  • 288 People Requested Congregational Follow-up

Thank you for sending us to Chatikobo, Zimbabwe, for another Jewish Voice Medical Outreach.

Chatikobo is in the Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe, where we’ve been before but never to this location.

We received a hearty welcome that included a visit from the local Lemba chief addressing the people on our opening day. His presence went a long way in establishing the community’s trust in us. Whereas we typically care for around 5,000 to 6,000 people at a new location in Zimbabwe, in Chatikobo, we treated almost 10,000 patients.

More than 40 percent of those you helped provide medical care also chose to visit the Spiritual Care Ministry tent, where they shared their burdens and received prayer. More than 200 prayed to accept Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah.

Many of the Lemba in Chatikobo already believed in Jesus, and 50 people wanted to publicly profess their faith with an immersion ceremony. Indigenous ministry leaders participating in the Outreach assisted, and the Messianic Jewish Lemba choir celebrated during each person’s immersion, filling the air with the sounds of their original worship music. It was glorious!

These responses speak to the Chatikobo community’s readiness to be a part of worshiping together from their Jewish origins. Two new Messianic Jewish congregations have formed since the Outreach in May, and area Lemba leaders are also following up with hundreds of people who want to learn more about Jesus.

Thank you for making all this possible. Your gifts to Jewish Voice brought physical and spiritual care to so many. Through your faithful monthly gifts, you are also providing discipleship to new Believers, the training and nurturing of local pastors and support for congregations that will continue bearing fruit in Chatikobo for years to come.

Your gift today will also help local Messianic Jewish Believers follow up with patients who expressed interest in learning more about Jesus, offering them another opportunity to hear the Gospel, accept Jesus, and receive biblical discipleship.

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