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"Planting, nurturing, and watching the growth!"

September 14, 2016

Our July and August outreaches in Zimbabwe were wonderful, but the work the Lord is doing doesn’t end with the outreaches. It is, in many ways, just beginning.

You have made a tremendous contribution to each outreach by praying through the daily prayer points and signing up on the outreach prayer schedules. Please consider continuing to sow in prayer for an ongoing harvest of kingdom blessing for the Believers and congregations in these regions.

Nurturing New Believers in Gutu

Our Gutu outreach took place at the end of July. We cared for 12,026 medical, dental, and eye patients, and 572 people confessed Yeshua as Messiah. You are a part of that! Please pray for:

  • Local congregations who have already made contact with 75% of those new Believers
  • Successful completion of the follow-up process so that each one is contacted and connected with other Believers in congregational fellowship where they can learn and grow in Yeshua

Tuesday Morning Medical Line During Jewish Voice Ethiopia Outreach Trip


Women coming together and going deeper

For the first time, women from the Zimbabwe Lemba Messianic community gathered together for a conference. The women who attended this “first of its kind” gathering in August enjoyed a time of teaching, fellowship, and ministry designed to strengthen them personally and, in turn, their families and communities. Nearly 300 women attended. Please pray for:

  • The impartation and equipping they experienced to take root and grow
  • Each woman to catch a new level of vision for themselves as well as their families and community
  • The Lord to draw them deeper into experiencing Him daily and trusting Him with the opportunities and challenges of their lives
  • Greater levels of personal freedom and understanding of what it means to be a woman of God

Woman praying and raising hand during Jewish Voice outreach trip


Reaching out to raise up Believers in Masvingo

Our successful outreach to Masvingo, Zimbabwe, ended just a few short weeks ago. Already the National Leadership team has set apart seven of the most successful leaders in the region to carry out a month-long, intensive follow-up program. Please pray for:

  • Focused time of follow-up running through October 5
  • The Lord to strengthen and guide these leaders as they make personal contacts and home visits
  • Growth and building up of local congregations as a result
  • Leaders as they directly challenge the presence of Islam in the region by the presentation of the Kingdom of Light

Lord, please bless our prayer partners whose prayers have contributed to the sowing of the seeds of salvation that are now taking root and springing up. May You bless them for their faithful intercessions and meet with them each time they call upon You for their own needs or for others. We join our prayers with theirs, and together we thank You! In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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