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Prayer Needed for Zimbabwe Outreach!

April 09, 2021
Prayer Points

What an amazing time we live in. As dark as some aspects are, the Lord continues to map a way through this new territory we all navigate. This is especially true for our Global Outreach Team, who are our boots on the ground working to see Jewish people not only receive care and blessing, but most, and best of all, come to know Yeshua (Jesus).

We have wholeheartedly sought the Lord in this season, and He is answering with new strategies for ministry. As we follow His Spirit, He is helping us be agile and adaptable as we travel a path we’ve not known before. Our Outreach to Zimbabwe, starting now, is a great example

Because the current need in Zimbabwe is so great and so urgent, we are going immediately to provide humanitarian aid and share the Good News. We’re sending only one U.S. team member, who will partner with local staff and congregational leaders to serve as many Zimbabweans as possible in over a half-dozen different locations.

Please! Sign up quickly to cover this Outreach in prayer!

Our urgent response has left little time to solicit the prayer covering we know we need.

Please sign up here.

Below is a daily prayer guide of some areas that need focused prayer. Thank you for making a real impact in Zimbabwe by partnering with us in this way.

THURSDAY, APRIL 15 – Travels, Protection, Health • Psalm 91

  • Safe travel for our Director of Global Outreach, journeying alone to Zimbabwe
  • Safety for our local Zimbabwean team members and congregational leaders, who are traveling with him to specific communities
  • Protection of all kinds, including from COVID-19 and any other incidents or maladies

FRIDAY, APRIL 16 – Supplies and Transport • Deuteronomy 28:8  

  • Safe and timely transport of all the humanitarian supplies we’re distributing in each of the various locations
  • Favor at all checkpoints
  • Ongoing solid relationships with the vendors supplying these much-needed goods

SATURDAY, APRIL 17 – Open Doors into and through Zimbabwe • Psalm 121:7–8

  • Safety on the road and journeying mercies
  • God's guidance and timing for each leg of the travel from location to location
  • Favor from all authorities and in every community

SUNDAY, APRIL 18 – Spiritual Preparation and Openness • Deuteronomy 1:30

  • The Lord to prepare the way by softening hearts to eagerly receive not only humanitarian resources but Yeshua
  • Spiritual forces opposing the Good News and love of Jesus to be bound off from all aspects of the Outreach and each location
  • Communities and their leaders to see the heart of God in this endeavor and welcome Him into their communities and their own lives

MONDAY, APRIL 19 – Kingdom Relationships and the Excellency of Love • 1 Corinthians 16:14

  • Special wisdom and grace for our Global Outreach Director working and ministering alongside beloved Zimbabwe brothers and sisters
  • Strengthening of relationships between our local JVMI team members and the congregational leaders we’re partnering with there, as well as strong new relationships with other in-country partners and suppliers
  • All things to be done with love, which is the more excellent way

TUESDAY, APRIL 20 – Local Leaders and Congregations • Ephesians 1:15–17

  • Local congregation members to be excited not only acquire aid themselves but to bring an unsaved neighbor to receive provision and hear the Good News
  • The Lord to draw recipients of these distributions to salvation and to start attending the local congregation
  • Leaders and emerging leaders to grow in their capacity to minister to individuals and their community as a whole

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 – Urgency to Reach as Many as Possible • Ephesians 5:16             

  • A sense of urgency and the ability to reach as many people as is possible, by God's grace
  • Team members and local partners to realize that we trust and obey, but it is the Lord who truly meets the needs
  • Us to release this Outreach to the Lord, but with holy boldness to do all within our ability to share the Good News with everyone we can

THURSDAY, APRIL 22 – Needs Met • Matthew 6:26

  • The humanitarian aid we’re providing to be a very real blessing to as many people and families as possible during this time of great crises and lack
  • LifeStraws® to change lives and prevent disease
  • Love and provisions to prepare the way for many to receive the Good News, meeting the greatest need of all – for Yeshua!

FRIDAY, APRIL 23 – Outcomes • Acts 2:46–47

  • A positive impact and practical help to be experienced in each location
  • A mighty move of the Holy Spirit in each area but also throughout Zimbabwe
  • Our congregational partners to be encouraged by this initiative and prepared to receive from the Lord through our Congregational and Leadership Development team, who will visit them a few weeks later

SATURDAY, APRIL 24 – Zimbabwe • Jeremiah 33:3

  • The Lord to hear the cries of His people for themselves, their neighbors and their nation, especially the prayers of the Lemba Believers who carry a priestly, intercessory mantle passed down through many generations
  • God to turn the hearts of the nation's leaders to Him and to their own people so their land can be blessed to be a blessing once again
  • For the Body in Zimbabwe to come together as never before in worship, prayer, unity and brotherly love as they reach out and minister to their fellow Zimbabweans

SUNDAY, APRIL 25 – Ongoing Ministry and Blessing • Psalm 32:8

  • Discernment from the Lord regarding how, when and where He might be calling us to minister next in Zimbabwe
  • Provision and favor to meet even more needs next time
  • The Holy Spirit’s power to work in congregational leaders’ lives – as well as those they lead and the communities to which they are called – as they fulfill the purposes of God in their nation and generation

Let’s Pray:

Lord, please bless our dear partners who are answering Your call to pray that Jewish people and their neighbors in Zimbabwe will receive care and the Good News. May those in Zimbabwe who we minister to receive Living Water and the Bread of Life – Jesus – as they receive LifeStraws® and other provisions. May Your kingdom come to reign and rule in their hearts, families and communities. We are believing You for revival in Zimbabwe. Lord, hear our prayers. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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