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Prayer Points: Beginning 2022 with greater clarity

January 26, 2022

Prayer Points

Like many of you, we have watched with a growing sense of urgency as world events have unfolded these last two years. We have sought the Lord in prayer and are beginning 2022 with greater clarity and priority in several areas. We consider these priorities “apostolic” in nature as they involve the elements of reaching out, sending, and breaking new ground.

Four apostolic ministry priorities for Jewish Voice in 2022 are:

  • Scouting to reach “all Tribes”
  • Helping build the North American Messianic Jewish Community
  • Messianic Jewish leadership development in North America
  • New strategies for engaging the Church

We’ll touch on each of these in future Prayer Points but for now, let’s begin with the first one: scouting new locations for ministry to the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” Please pray with us!

SCOUTING to Reach All Tribes in the Coming Years

In 2021, the Lord gave us the vision for reaching all remaining scattered tribes in the coming years. Now we begin in earnest.

Please pray for:

Our indigenous staff and congregational leaders scouting out Clinic and lodging locations for 2022 Outreaches in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. We are excited for these leaders to work together in their own countries, preparing the way for us to come and minister with them.

A separate spring scouting trip with three key JVMI leaders. These leaders are asking the Lord to confirm where He wants to use us to break new ground in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. They will also visit several other African nations with great potential for ministry. We appreciate your prayers for:

  • These nations in Africa to be open to international visitors
  • Removal of previous limitations and obstacles to ministry in these places
  • Strengthening of established relationships in these regions
  • New relationships with key individuals and groups who will be drawn to help prepare the way for future Outreaches

Another scouting trip is proposed for the fall, during which we may revisit India, a past Outreach location, to see if there are new opportunities for long-term ministry and congregation planting. Please pray.

Two new countries are currently on the proposed agenda for this fall trip. This could open doors to reaching new groups. Ministering in new nations with deep spiritual needs will require much wisdom, discernment, and favor. And, as 1 Corinthians 16:9 states, as the Lord opens doors for effective ministry, we must be prepared for opposition. Please pray for:

  • Clear confirmation and guidance from the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) regarding engagement with each of these Jewish people groups
  • The Lord to order our steps as we move forward in faith
  • Divine connections and favor with key leaders of the community and among Believers in each area

We believe the spiritual battle for souls, especially Jewish people, is intensifying. Therefore, our prayers must intensify as well. Please join us in interceding.

Let’s pray:

Lord, more than anything, we want Your presence to go with us and the confirmation of Your Spirit to do the work You are calling us to – when, where, how and for whom. Thank You that You’ve placed this desire in our hearts, and You will answer. In the name of Yeshua (Jesus), AMEN.

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