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Prayer Points: The Lord is moving in the Nations, and so are we!

March 09, 2022

Prayer Points

One large-scale event is ending this week, and a small but very important ministry trip is coming up soon. We appreciate your prayers for each, as we know you have a heart for the salvation of Jewish people in the nations of the Earth.

Zimbabwe Medical Outreach

Have you been praying for our Zimbabwe Medical Outreach? Thank you! This edition of Prayer Points is being sent out just before the Outreach closes.

Here are a few reminders of how you can pray for these last few days of our Medical Outreach in Zimbabwe. Please pray for:

  • Our ability to see and minister to the maximum number of patients on Thursday, March 10, the last half-day of the Outreach
  • Signs and wonders, even in these last hours, to accompany the Word, giving witness to Yeshua (Jesus)
  • Order, favor and safety in closing and packing up the Clinic and shalom and salvation for hired workers
  • Safe travels back to Harare and then home, along with timely and negative COVID-19 test results required for international travel
  • Rest and a sense of “well-done, good and faithful servant” for each participant
  • Local congregational leaders as they follow up after the Outreach location and that the spiritual seeds that were sown will continue to bear fruit for eternity

Scouting Trip – Late March into early April

Three of our leaders will be traveling together, seeking the Lord’s direction and scouting out some key locations for potential ministry. We pray this will enable us to connect with new scattered tribes in the months and years to come.

Please pray for:

  • Divine connections and unity to develop between our leaders and strategic contacts in each country – even before they leave the U.S.
  • The Lord to put together every detail of this trip, enabling the team to be in the right places at the right times to connect with the right people and groups
  • The Holy Spirit to prepare the team with openness to His “in the moment” guidance, giving them discernment between what might look like good possibilities and what are real God-ordained opportunities
  • Protection and favor of every kind, including for their families back home as they travel
  • Watch for the next Prayer Points, which will reach you right before this scouting trip. We will have fresh reminders for you and new information about how to pray. Thank you again for your prayers. They make a difference!

In the meantime, let’s pray together now.

Lord, what a privilege it is to make You known among the Nations. We want Your Jewish people everywhere to know that they are Yours and Yeshua is their Messiah. Please use the final days of the Zimbabwe Outreach and the Outreaches that will eventually result from the scouting trip to give many the opportunity to receive You. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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