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Prayer Points: Official permission granted – Zimbabwe, here we come!

October 27, 2021

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have not been able to visit this land and its people as often as we would’ve liked over the past two years. But now we have a great opportunity and are asking for your fervent prayers.

We have permission to hold a Medical Outreach from November 7 through 11 in Zimbabwe. It will be on a smaller scale than the large ones we typically hold, but we know, by God’s grace, it will hugely impact the people of a rural region in southwestern Zimbabwe.

We first visited this particular area on a scouting trip and again during our Food Distribution Outreach earlier this year. We are so grateful to be able to return. Please join us in covering every aspect of this Medical Outreach in prayer:

Wednesday, October 27 – Wednesday, November 3

Preparations | John 9:4

  • Our Global Outreach staff, who are simultaneously completing the last details of our recent Ethiopia Outreach while quickly taking care of every logistic required to launch this Zimbabwe Outreach successfully
  • Preparation of the local clinic we will use and the property that will serve as campgrounds for the team and volunteers
  • Spiritual preparation of the region, in which witchcraft and other practices are quite common. May the Lord’s presence prepare the way, pushing back the darkness and any forms of opposition in response to our prayers

Thursday, November 4 – Friday, November 5

Travels and Adjustments | Psalm 34:10b

  • Our small team of Outreach volunteers as they prepare to leave home and serve in various capacities
  • Safe travel and timely arrivals for all team members, in-country medical professionals and international volunteers
  • Good health and negative COVID-19 tests at every checkpoint

Saturday, November 6 – Sunday, November 7 

Set-up and Clinic Opening | Colossians 3:23

  • The ability to effectively minister to local congregation members and their families and neighbors
  • Favor among local officials and tribal elders, leading to open doors for ministry now and in the future
  • A God-ordained plan for spiritual care that will lead to many coming to know Yeshua (Jesus)
  • Unity and effective communication between everyone working to see this Outreach glorify God

Monday, November 8 – Wednesday, November 10

Worship and Work | I Chronicles 16:11

  • Fervent, daily prayer and worship that affect the spiritual atmosphere as well as impact all those who are investing time and spiritual energy to serve this week
  • Open hearts to receive not only medical care but also spiritual care and, most essentially, salvation
  • The Spirit of the Lord to move in power wherever our Spiritual Care team ministers
  • Open doors, favor, and kingdom impact for the Living Waters team as they distribute family-sized LifeStraws® and share the Good News in the community

Thursday, November 11 – Sunday, November 14

Closing and Returning | Numbers 6:24-26

  • Protection over every aspect of closing out the Medical Clinic and traveling home
  • The Lord’s blessing to rest upon the community as we leave – and upon all those who have served
  • Timely follow-up as the local Zimbabwean team meets with individuals to review the use of LifeStraws® and once again share Good News
  • Encouragement and growth for the local congregation, leading to more significant spiritual impact in the region

We continue to pray that more doors will open for effective ministry in many places, wherever the Lord may lead us. But for now, we focus our prayerful attention on this particular location and Outreach.

Let’s pray:

Lord, for the last several years, we have sensed You highlighting this area of Zimbabwe, and we are so glad to be going there again as You have opened doors and prepared the way. God of Miracles, we ask You for the healing, deliverance, and salvation that You alone can give. May this small Medical Clinic glean enormous and eternal results. Continue to prompt us to pray as we partner with You in the work of Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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