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Prayer Points: Operation 1226 is fast approaching

August 20, 2021

Prayer Points

As you receive this email, we are on the threshold of our Jewish Voice Ministries staff Week of Prayer and Fasting, August 30 to September 3. This year, we have invited you to join us by participating in Operation 1226, an initiative to fill the week not only with our staff’s prayers but with those of our partners as well. You can learn more and sign up to participate.

Each year, our staff takes two weeks, one in the fall and another in the spring, to spend extended time together in worship and prayer. We praise the Lord for what we’ve seen Him do in the previous months and intercede for current projects, initiatives and upcoming Outreaches. We pray for you, our partners, and for others who minister alongside us. We also fast together as we seek His face and “inquire of the Lord,” as Scripture exhorts us, for the future. It’s a time of personal refreshment, corporate encouragement, and revelation and enlightenment as the Lord meets with us in powerful ways. 

As we approach this fall’s week with the Lord, we feel a particular sense of urgency and desire. In addition to participating in Operation 1226 and praying with us, here are some ways you can pray for us:

  • That we come into the Week of Prayer and Fasting with hearts prepared to meet with the Lord
  • That we experience the Lord’s presence  in each worship and prayer time and the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit  flow freely
  • For each team member to hear from the Lord for themselves personally, regarding their unique ministry roles and for the ministry as a whole
  • For a corporate witness among our leadership and other team members regarding what the Lord is saying to us in this season – and even for breakthrough in some of the things we’ve been waiting on Him for
  • That the Lord would deeply affect us, speak to us, and profoundly prepare us for the assignments He has given us: to proclaim the Gospel to the Jew first, grow the Messianic Jewish community, and engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people

Let’s Pray
Lord, we are deeply aware that we need You and can do nothing apart from You. We know that in these weeks of worship, fasting and prayer, You make Yourself known in ways that envision, embolden and empower us for the seasons ahead. May this time be transformational as we place our trust and faith in You for the days and years to come beyond this Week of Prayer and Fasting so that we will be ready – a people prepared – to be who You call us to be, to go where You say to go, and to do all You call us to do! In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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