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Prayer Points: Plans have changed

July 13, 2021

Prayer Points

Changing circumstances in the countries where we serve require continual adaptation as we follow the Lord’s leading toward accomplishing His purposes. Due to such changes, we are unable to conduct a Medical Outreach this month.

One thing that does not change is our need and gratitude for your prayers. We would like to enlist your prayers now as we continue to seek the Lord regarding where He would have us reach out next: in which nations and particular locations and to which people groups. To that end, several key team members are going on a “scouting” trip to Africa this month.  

We are praying that they will be like Joshua and Caleb as they assess locations, situations, and the potential for fruit, having spiritual eyes and not simply human understanding. Would you pray for them and this trip? 

Please Pray For: 

  • Protection of all kinds, good health and sleep as well as safe travels throughout the whole trip
  • Favor at every checkpoint and with all authorities and community members
  • The Spirit of the Lord and prayers of His people to push back any spiritual opposition as we ask the Lord to lead us to His open doors for effective ministry
  • Unity, brotherly love and a corporate witness from the Lord for those participating in this scouting trip
  • Clear and specific direction as to where the Lord of the Harvest is leading us for future Outreaches, so the Kingdom of Light can advance, bring salvation and transform lives and communities
  • Safe travels, protection, divine appointments and great favor – especially in darker regions where the Good News is scarce but desperately needed
  • The Lord to send clear voices of true wisdom and guidance that will help us assess locations and groups to which He might send us in the future as we seek out the “Lost Tribes of Israel”

Let’s Pray

Lord, You are the One who opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors no man can open. We ask You to open doors for effective ministry in the nations. Please speak powerfully to our scouting team regarding Your heart and plans to reach Your people, and show us clearly how You want us to participate with You in that. Our eyes are on You as we seek to do Your will and Yours alone. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN. 

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