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Prayer Points: Please pray for an upcoming gathering of Messianic Jewish leaders

November 09, 2021

As a Jewish Voice Prayer Partner, you know that one of the three prongs on our mission statement is to grow the Messianic Jewish community. Strong, healthy leadership is vital for the growth of the Messianic Jewish Movement!  Today, we’re focusing our prayers on Messianic Jewish leaders in Israel, the United States and globally. 

Please pray for a gathering of Messianic Jewish leaders from around the world that Jewish Voice will host in just a few days. Here are some of the ways you can pray for these leaders to be strong in the Lord and make a significant kingdom impact during challenging times: 

  • Encouragement and energy, considering the weariness, stress and grief brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a big and broad request due to several factors, including leaders navigating local and national regulations along with personal and congregational convictions; ministering to the ill and bereaved; taking care of their personal health and that of their families; plus processing their own grief over the loss of loved ones and congregational members (Isaiah 40:29-31)
  • Connection, unity and enriching fellowship with other leaders and godly Believers. The last two years have been ones of isolation and divisiveness in many places — including in the Body — and leaders have been impacted like the rest of us (Hebrews 10:25)
  • Anointing from the Lord to be like the sons of Issachar and correctly discern these times and seasons to lead their congregations and ministries well (1 Chronicles 12:32)
  • Innovation to overcome limitations and barriers and to press on in carrying out the vision the Lord has given them for their congregations and ministries (Isaiah 43:19)
  • Renewed dedication and urgency — as Messianic Jewish Believers, ministries and congregations — to be a light to the Nations, reaching many with the love of Yeshua (Isaiah 49:6)
  • Health, including strong marriages, families and healthy finances, as well as good physical, mental and emotional health personally (Ephesians 6:10)
  • Diligent maintenance of their own spiritual lives and well-being through abiding in the Messiah and keeping short accounts with God and others (John 15:4)

Let’s pray:

Lord, we thank You for the hundreds of Messianic Jewish leaders around the world heading up congregations and other ministries. Thank You for the more mature ones and their years of faithful, pioneering service, many of whose most significant years of kingdom impact are still ahead. Thank You for the younger ones gladly taking on the costly mantle of leadership in serving Your purposes in their own generation. May each generation honor You and honor one another. May the gathering next week be a time of encouragement, affirmation, renewed vision, and deeply sweet fellowship with You and each other. Thank You for how You are using the Messianic Jewish leaders of today to have a global impact tomorrow and fulfill Your prophetic promises for Israel and the nations. In Yeshua’s name, Amen. 

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