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Prayer Points: Praying for Prayer!

August 24, 2022


This may seem like an odd request – but we’d like to ask you to pray for prayer! More prayer and more “pray-ers,” meaning more people praying. We are building a global community that will pray faithfully for Jewish Voice Ministries and the work God has called us to. This work involves bringing the Gospel to the Jewish people, growing the Messianic Jewish community, and engaging the Church regarding Israel and the Jewish people.

Will you pray with us for more prayer? Here are things the Lord is leading us in and how you can participate and pray:

Vision: Our long-term vision is for a Jewish Voice global prayer network of those who will pray around the clock for God’s City, Israel — His Land and His people, wherever they are in the world.

  • Please pray for the Lord to strategically develop this and enlist those who will catch the vision to pray with us for Israel and His people around the world

24-7 Prayer Watch: Along those lines, we now have the Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Watch, where our partners can commit to a time to pray for us from home.

  • Pray for many pray-ers to commit to cover us and Israel in prayer regularly from home by making a commitment on the 24-7 Prayer Watch. Learn more here: 24-7 Prayer Calendar

Onsite Prayer: We invite trusted, dedicated intercessors who live in the Phoenix area to come and pray onsite at our headquarters. It cultivates the presence of the Lord here and encourages them in knowing how to pray.

  • Please pray for more of those trusted, dedicated pray-ers in the Phoenix area who will commit to come and pray onsite for Jewish Voice Ministries and the work we do

Prayer Initiatives: We are so excited by your response to our recent prayer initiatives, including Operation 1226 and Moving Forward: 55 Days of Prayer. Only eternity will reveal all the answers to the thousands of prayers you, our partners, have prayed for.

  • Please pray for the Lord’s leading in launching more initiatives that focus prayer on specific targets related to our shared mission and encourage our partners as we call on the Lord together

Online Prayer Meetings: Last but not least, we have begun to hold online prayer meetings on the Zoom webinar platform so that you, our partners, can hear real-time prayer briefings from our leaders and take that information into prayer. These have been energizing and effective, and we plan to do many more. Our next time together is Thursday, August 25. Please register here to join us.

  • Please pray for us as we plan, coordinate, and facilitate these strategic prayer webinars; and for many people to join us each time and be encouraged and mobilized in prayer

Let’s Pray!

Thank you for your consistent commitment to pray, and to pray for more prayer. 

Lord, we are passionate to see Your plans and purposes for Your Chosen People and for Your body, both Jew and Gentile, fulfilled. We want to partner with You, Lord, through prayer, and we know we need others to come alongside us in that vision. We ask You to inspire many, many thousands of people around the world to join us as an energized, faithful and effective community of praying Believers, calling on You day and night to see those purposes come to pass. In Yeshua’s Name, AMEN.

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