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Prayer Points: See how your prayers made a difference in Mberengwa

August 10, 2022


We love knowing that you pray for our Outreaches, and we love sharing the praises with you after they‘re finished.

We are hearing great things about the recent Mberengwa, Zimbabwe Medical Outreach. There was something special about this opportunity that our team and partners shared together. Read on for updates, praises and the resulting requests.

Medical Outreach

There were 121 people who prayed to receive Yeshua (Jesus), and almost half of them were from among the Lemba Jewish people. Forty-eight people wanted to be immersed (baptized), and 185 requested a follow-up visit to learn more about Yeshua. In total, 2,950 people heard a Gospel presentation, and 200 households received family-sized LifeStraw® water filtration units. These filters will provide clean, healthy water for three to five years. Please pray for:

  • Each new Believer and those who were immersed as a sign of faith in Jesus
  • Congregation leaders who will be following up with those requesting to learn more
  • Each of the 7,630 patients seen to remain healthy and for the many, many medical needs still unmet in their community

Zehra Kids Program

Once again, the Zehra Kids ministry made a huge impact. On this Mberengwa Outreach, it was fully led by indigenous Lemba children’s ministry workers. A group of Israeli discipleship students assisted them. We experienced over 2,750 ministry opportunities with children, some onsite at the Medical Clinic and others at schools in the area. The children’s hearts were very open to the curriculum, based on the Shema from Deuteronomy 6:4. Please pray that:

  • The seeds of the Good News and identity as Jews in Yeshua will continue to bear lasting fruit
  • The eyes of every child’s heart may be enlightened to know the hope of their calling
  • The Lord will strengthen and anoint the Messianic Jewish congregations’ children’s ministries throughout the region

Israeli Discipleship Participants

A dozen students from a discipleship program based in Israel joined us as Outreach Partners in Mberengwa. They ministered with joy in the Zehra Kids Program, the Prayer Tent, and wherever they were needed. Their energy and willingness to serve inspired everyone and nurtured the spirit of teamwork that is so important during our Outreaches. It was beautiful to have a vibrant group of young Messianic Jewish Believers from Israel come and minister to their Lemba Jewish brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. Please pray for:

  • This experience to stay in their hearts and minds and be used by the Lord
  • Divine guidance as each of these Israeli Believers moves into their future ministry callings
  • Wisdom about how the Lord may want to connect them and other groups with Jewish Voice

Let’s Pray!

Lord, every Jewish Voice Medical Outreach is an adventure with You leading the way and providing everything we need. We give You all the glory for the spirit of unity, love and servanthood that was so prevalent during this Outreach. We fully trust You to continue to move among the Lemba in Mberengwa, as You have for the past 10 years of Jewish Voice Outreaches there. Our hearts are full, and our faith is fueled as, by Your grace, we continue steadfast in prayer and reaching out to those You love so dearly. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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