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Prayer Points: An URGENT Call to an Esther Fast!

February 25, 2015

This year, Purim falls on March 4th-5th. It’s a day of celebration commemorating Queen Esther’s faith and courage and the deliverance of the Jewish People from the destructive hands of Haman, who plotted their annihilation.

Esther called her people to fast. The Jewish People were in danger, and Esther took a serious and enormous risk to obtain favor and stop the plot against them. She had the courage to step out of royal protocol in order to get attention. She had good reason.

A similarity between Esther's pursuit and Netanyahu's speech to Congress

There is a startling similarity between Esther’s brave pursuit and what will happen here in the United States on March 3rd, the very day of the Esther Fast this year. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak to Congress. This is the speech that is causing controversy all the way from the White House to Israel because it wasn’t set up “according to protocol.”

And yet, the Prime Minister is determined to speak up on behalf of his country regarding the deadly threat of Iran’s nuclear powers, not only to his nation and people, but to the world.

Add to this the upcoming March 17th elections in Israel and the recent acceleration of terrorist and anti-Semitic acts around the world, and it is clear, the need for fasting and prayer is urgent. As “watchmen,” intercessors for Israel and the Jewish People, we too must take our place in history, for such a time as this.

Would you please join us in prayer and fasting for the sake of Israel and the Jewish People? There is a lot at stake, and the urgency is increasing.

The fast is from sunrise to sundown on Tuesday, March 3rd, and can take any form suited to you. If you have concerns, consult with your physician. If you can’t fast from food, consider fasting from something else that would occupy your focus and time during that period. For example, you could fast from television or other leisure activities. Set your attention on seeking God through prayer during the time you would be eating or doing those other things.

Even if you don’t feel led to fast, please join us in prayer for:

 • God’s protection of Israel, the Jewish People, and all their friends and allies.  • The Lord’s protection over Benjamin Netanyahu as he travels to the U.S. and speaks to Congress. • The Lord to speak powerfully through Netanyahu and for many to not only listen, but to hear. • The Lord to set in place His choices for Israel’s leadership through the coming election. • The destruction of any plots to remove leaders who have stood against separating the Land of Israel, even any efforts that might initiate in the United States. • And as always, pray for the salvation of the Jewish People of the world.


Let us know you will be joining us in prayer! Visit our Facebook page now and post your prayer or commitment to pray. And thank you for your partnership in interceding. We are watching and believing together to see the Lord at work on behalf of Israel and the Jewish People in this crucial hour.


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