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Prayer Points: Warfare over True Worship in Woliso

January 28, 2015


There is Warfare over True Worship in Woliso – Please Intercede!

Our medical outreach in Woliso, Ethiopia will begin in a few days, and even now team members are packing and preparing to serve the Lord in ministering love, prayer and medical care to the thousands who will come to have their needs met. We need your prayers!The battle between the kingdoms of darkness and light is real. In Woliso, many are involved in witchcraft and other forms of idolatry. They are spiritually hungry and spiritually involved, but spiritually disconnected from the One True Source of spiritual fulfillment. Join us in praying that this will change for many, many of Woliso’s residents because of an encounter with Yeshua during this week-long visit from Jewish Voice Ministries and our faithful outreach volunteers.

There is a spiritual battle over worship in Woliso! Please join us in targeted intercession now for BREAKTHROUGH for our team so that many will come to Yeshua!



Prayers are needed for:

 • For favor and breakthrough so the Gospel can go forth unhindered and produce much fruit!  This is a strategic prayer point!  • For protection, health and spiritual and physical strength for our staff and volunteers as they pray and serve in unity, and that their times of worship and prayer together would be refreshing and powerful. • For discernment for our Prayer Team members as they lead people to Yeshua and pray for physical and spiritual healing in the prayer tent. • That God will move mightily in the hearts of influential locals, that the veil would be lifted, they would receive Yeshua, and change allegiance from whatever or whomever has captured their hearts and minds, so that they will worship the One True God. • That this, in turn, would lead many others to also “consider Yeshua” and turn wholeheartedly to Him. • For many salvations, healings and successful medical treatment. • That the discipleship taking place following the outreach will lay a solid foundation of worship, prayer, the Word, living in fellowship with other Believers, and sharing the Gospel. • For parents and grandparents to become Believers and impact the next generation to become true worshippers of the Living God.  

Thank you for your prayers for breakthrough, and consider this: you may be praying for someone you will never meet until heaven where we will worship the Lord together forever!


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