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Prayer Points: We are in a time of prayer and fasting

April 13, 2022

Prayer Points

We are in a time of prayer and fasting at Jewish Voice and would like to ask you to join us.

Twice a year, we come together to focus on the Lord for a week. We worship, pray, intercede and fast – as a means of setting aside distractions so we can know Him better and hear Him clearly.

We pray for God’s wisdom, guidance and protection. We thank Him for all He has done in the past and is doing now, and we ask Him for clarity and favor in the things He will do in the future. And we pray for you, our partners.

Our theme for this spring is “Before the Foundation of the World.” We will be meditating on the Scriptures that tell us: we are chosen and called for good works, that God’s wisdom is being declared, that we have eternal life, and there is a kingdom that has been prepared for us. In this appointed time of Pesach (Passover), we will also meditate on the Lamb of God, Yeshua (Jesus), who was slain before the foundation of the world for our sins.

Will you pray for us as we gather in the Lord’s presence during this time of prayer and fasting?  Here are some ways you can pray:

  • May we be hungry to fellowship together with the Lord and deeply moved by His love (1 John 1:3)
  • That we will powerfully experience His presence during our worship times as we come prepared to offer Him our adoration and praise (1 Chronicles 16:29)
  • For the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to lead our prayer times and help us “hit the mark” as we intercede (Romans 8:26-27)
  • For the desire and grace to fast as those who are longing for our Bridegroom and diligently seeking our Father’s will in all things (Mark 9:15, Isaiah 58:6)
  • That the Lord uses this time to give wisdom and guidance and to prepare us for all that’s ahead in His plans for us and for those He is calling us to reach (Isaiah 55:6)

Let's Pray:

LORD, thank You that You are faithful to call us into a living relationship with You and that You speak as well as listen to us. We are so grateful for this set-apart time of prayer and our partners who will be interceding for and with us. May we be renewed and refreshed in Your presence as we worship, pray and fast. May we come away from this time transformed to see You more clearly and follow You even more closely as we receive Your help and direction for the times in which we now live. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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