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Prayer Points: What will the Lord do in Zimbabwe this month?

March 15, 2023

Our second Outreach in 2023 will be in Zimbabwe, in a location where we have not been since 2018. Since we were last at that location, nine congregations have been planted in the area. We are excited to return and look forward to seeing what fruit the Lord brings from this new Outreach.

Last time, several things drove home the need for serious prayer covering. So, we would love for you to be part of praying over this time. Below are some Prayer Points you can use to pray along with us in preparation for the Outreach and day-by-day prayer items throughout the ministry week. You’ll also find requests for the days immediately following the Outreach.

You can also play a big part in this Outreach by committing to pray during a  specific time slot on our Prayer Schedule. SIGN UP HERE to choose a time to pray from home during the Outreach.

Your prayers make such a difference. Here are ways you can pray each day.

Wednesday, March 15 – Wednesday, March 22 | Psalm 90:17

  • All logistics to come together quickly, including permissions, VISAS, and medical supplies
  • All on-site preparations to take place smoothly and completely
  • God’s favor and anointing of ease to prepare the way for effective ministry once again in this community where we ministered in 2018
  • The spiritual forces of darkness to flee, making way for the King of Glory, Yeshua, to come in with healing, salvation and deliverance

Thursday, March 23 | Genesis 28:15

  • Protection, safety and health as our team and partners prepare and travel
  • A strong confirmation for each person that the Lord is with them and will enable them to minister out of the overflow of relationship with Him
  • The Lord to prepare the hearts of the Zimbabwe people to hear the Good News and receive Yeshua (Jesus)

Friday, March 24 | 1 Peter 4:10

  • Fellowship and relationships to begin to form deep unity among all participants
  • A sweet and restful Shabbat, including a good night’s sleep
  • The Lord to remove any spiritual, emotional or physical hindrances to the Gospel being received in people's hearts.

Saturday, March 25 | Psalm 32:8

  • Safety traveling to the Outreach location, divine order in setting up the Clinic, and effective training for medical and spiritual care
  • Logistics, safety and anointing for the Zehra Kids Program during set-up and throughout the week
  • Health and energy all week long and protection from the heat, disease, and anything else that would harm or hinder ministry to the people in Zimbabwe

Sunday, March 26 | Mark 1:15

  • God’s grace as the Clinic opens for the first half-day and that many people come throughout the week
  • May the Zehra Kids Program impact not only children but whole families and the community with God’s love and truth, joy and fun
  • Grace upon the in-country Zehra team to work together in great unity and effectiveness and anointing upon “The Shema” curriculum they’re using

Monday, March 27 | James 5:16

  • The spiritual care tent to be a place of healing, deliverance and salvation for many people who need Jesus
  • Healing to take place through medical care and also divine intervention this week, including in the lines and the community
  • A successful and Spirit-led strategy for the Living Waters team as they bring LifeStraws® and the Good News of living water to Jewish people in the surrounding area

Tuesday, March 28 | Deuteronomy 28:3

  • Favor and blessing from government and community leaders and for the Lord to pour out a blessing upon them as well
  • Renewal, insight and bold faith from the Lord during daily team prayer times
  • Jubilant praise and worship that lifts the spirits of those participating and infuses the week with the fragrance of Yeshua. May Wednesday evening’s time of worship and prayer be especially impactful

Wednesday, March 29 | Acts 4:30

  • The Word to be spoken boldly and accompanied by signs and wonders
  • Each Outreach Partner and team member to serve from a place of unity, humility and dependence on the Lord

Thursday, March 30 | Luke 15:7

  • Today is our last full day, and Friday is our final half-day. May every patient know the Lord sees them and receive His touch
  • Unity among Believers to enable people to receive ministry and care

Friday, March 31 | John 13:35

  • Protection as the equipment is packed up for transport
  • Safe travels back to Harare
  • A restful Shabbat, including reflection and testimony of all the Lord has done this week in and through the team

Saturday, April 1 – Sunday, April 2 | Mark 16:15

  • Safe travels as local and international team members journey home and a special outpouring of refreshment for our Global Outreach Director, who has been traveling in the field for many weeks
  • The Lord to continue to work in this region of Zimbabwe, bringing a great movement of His Holy Spirit among these dear Lemba people
  • Effective and timely follow-up with all who want to hear more about Jesus as the Lord continues to establish His Kingdom in Zimbabwe

Let’s Pray

Lord, our first trip to this location left a deep impression on us, and since then, we have seen You do wonders there. We press into You in intercession and even spiritual battle, trusting You to do what only You can do. Use us and minister through us. Prepare the way for an even greater move of Your Spirit there and in all Zimbabwe among Your beloved Jewish people, the Lemba, and their neighbors. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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