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Prayer Points: What’s an essential component of ministry? People.

June 19, 2024

Praying for “groups” of essential people

We recently had a great time of prayer with our staff here at Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI), covering some of our strategic outreach efforts. The Lord prompted us to pray for different “groups” of people who are critical to these Kingdom initiatives that are part of fulfilling the vision and mission He has given us. Would you join your prayers with ours?

Please pray for:


  • Jewish Voice leadership to hear clearly from the Lord as to which scattered Jewish communities, He is opening the door to, as well as when, where and how to reach out to them
  • Governmental and local community leaders to show favor toward Jewish Voice as we present our vision to serve, apply for permissions, and ultimately come to their area to bless and minister
  • Messianic Jewish congregational leaders in the areas we serve to hear from the Lord regarding the places to where He is calling them to reach out and how Jewish Voice can partner and support them in these efforts. Also, for His help as they share the Good News, disciple new Believers, and start new congregations while continuing to edify and encourage existing congregations
  • Local area religious leaders to welcome our presence and ministry and see them as evidence of the Lord’s graciousness in caring for their communities’ needs


  • U.S.-based Global Outreach staff as they plan, travel and facilitate our Outreaches, which is often an arduous and intense ministry. Pray for their spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well-being. Pray for their families and all aspects of their everyday lives, especially when they are away from home
  • Traveling members of our Congregational and Leadership Development team who visit the international congregations we support to equip them with encouragement and training, building up the Messianic Jewish body in each area. Pray for their families and home lives as well
  • Indigenous JVMI team members who provide on-the-ground insight, resourcing and logistical support for our Outreaches. May the Lord strengthen them
  • Our U.S.-based team of support staff, who undergird all our front-line efforts and use their equipping, training and giftings toward the vision and mission the Lord has called us to


  • The Lord to continue to bless and inspire our financial partners with His heart for Israel and the Jewish people, enabling them to give, whether a mite or a million, toward seeing all Israel saved and blessed
  • Our Prayer Partners, including you, who diligently pray for not only Israel and the Jewish people but for Jewish Voice, our leadership, staff, Outreaches and initiatives. May the Lord meet with each one of you as you watch and pray
  • Committed and qualified Outreach Partners who put their love for the Jewish people into action and accompany us to diverse locations, believing with us that “no Jewish person is too far away, either spiritually or geographically, to experience God's hope and salvation”
  • Medical and dental professionals who take time out of their busy lives and practices to love and care for Jewish people and their neighbors on our Outreaches, in the name of Yeshua (Jesus)
  • Board members who sow their time, wisdom and experience into the Lord’s work through Jewish Voice by serving on our U.S., Canada, and U.K. boards


  • Local indigenous Believers who serve faithfully and joyfully in various capacities during our Outreaches, ministering the love of the Lord in so many ways
  • Local outreach workers, whom we hire temporarily for various tasks, to ensure that our Outreaches are fully supported. They are grateful for the short-term work, but our heart's desire is that they would be eternally blessed by coming to know Yeshua themselves through working with us and being exposed to the Good News in both words and love in action.

The Lord is using so many people to understand His heart and purposes for Israel and the Jewish people and to put that understanding into action through service, reaching out, giving, and prayer. Let’s pray for all those He is using, as it’s more critical than ever to see all Israel saved and strengthened in the Lord!

Let’s Pray

Lord, please bless those who are working together to bless Your Chosen People and bring glory to You!

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