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Prayer Points: What’s one of our most crucial prayer needs?

January 17, 2024

A Familiar but Critical Prayer Request

If you are one of Jewish Voice Ministries’ Prayer Partners, you know we frequently ask for prayer to receive wisdom and guidance from the Lord.

Why do we do that so often? Because we know we need it! We need it in terms of where to go on each Outreach, when to go, and how to conduct the Outreach. The Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) is the same, but different times, situations and locations require different methods.

More than ever, as we head into 2024, we are sobered by our need for the Lord’s perfect wisdom and plan.

We need Him to guide us into divine connections and appointments, lead us through open doors, and show us when doors are closed rather than just an obstacle we should try to overcome. We need help knowing which Jewish populations the Lord calls us to serve and share Yeshua with in this season. We need the gift of the discerning of spirits to tell good connections and situations from those that only seem good. We need help finding the right supplies and vendors. We need help during the Outreaches, handling various situations that might arise, and how to prevent them in the first place. We need God’s wisdom in every detail!

God promises in James 1:5 to give wisdom to those who ask, and we are so grateful. But we also realize that a key component to receiving His wisdom lies in the capacity to perceive what He is saying. Hearing clearly from the Lord and obeying accurately and quickly is critical in these times, and it is truly crucial in many places around the globe. We are waiting on Him for that.

Please join us in praying for our ability to receive and perceive wisdom from the Lord. Ask the Lord for wisdom along with us and on our behalf, praying for:

  • Faith to proceed when the Lord says go, trusting Him for all the details. That the Lord would shine His light for us to follow, making even difficult places and situations smooth
    — Isaiah 42:16
  • Us to seek the Lord’s counsel in everything and that He would give us success in all He calls us to do — 2 Chronicles 26:5
  • Pinpoint accuracy in knowing His will, timing and direction about where to explore opportunities, build relationships, and bring the Good News — Isaiah 30:10
  • For divine appointments with trustworthy partners in the gospel in new areas who can help open doors and enable us to navigate new territories safely and well — Philippians 1:4–5
  • Discernment to navigate cultures and locations that are against the Gospel and the Jewish people — 2 Timothy 2:7
  • Us to discern the Lord’s guidance and follow Him accurately for His name’s sake — Psalm 31:3

Let's pray!

Lord, we know we cannot rely on ourselves. We must have Your specific and detailed guidance. We must know how to hear and navigate when You say “GO NOW” and when You say “WAIT for now.” We are trusting You to lead us to trustworthy partners in difficult places and situations. Lead us to the specific Jewish people groups and locations where You want Your light to shine, places that desperately need salvation, healing, and deliverance from darkness. You say that You will lead us, guide us and help us, and we trust You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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