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Prayer Points: Will You Pray For Us?

February 21, 2022

Prayer Points

Will you pray for us as we head to Zimbabwe for our first Outreach of 2022? Although we have ministered to the Lemba in this region before, this will be our first time in this particular community, and we are excited! We chose this location because of the many Messianic Jewish congregations in the area, and we look forward to partnering with these Lemba congregational leaders in reaching out to this community.  We know the region and have good partnerships there, yet we know that nothing of lasting value will happen apart from prayer. That’s why we covet yours.

Please pray with us starting today for our Zimbabwe Medical Outreach, March 3–13. Help cover these dates in prayer by signing up on our Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Watch schedule and using these daily prayer points. Please pray for:

Wednesday, February 23–Wednesday, March 2 | Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Last details of preparations to fall into place at the Clinic and campsite locations
  • The spiritual atmosphere to be prepared for the kingdom of Light to advance
  • Hearts prepared to receive Yeshua
  • Forces of witchcraft and darkness to flee as the King of Glory ministers

Thursday, March 3 | 1 Corinthians 16:9

  • Safe travels for all participants, including the 6-hour drive to the campsite on Friday
  • Good health and protection of all kinds; negative COVID-19 test results in time
  • Every participant to be rested and prepared for the spiritual opposition that can accompany open doors for effective ministry

Friday, March 4 | Numbers 6:24–26

  • The unity of the Spirit to reign among the various team members (staff, medical, Outreach, workers) and for all things to be done in love
  • Fellowship to begin during Erev Shabbat dinner tonight and to grow all week
  • Help from above in adapting to different time zone, food and culture
  • Blessings and favor for each team members’ family back home

Saturday, March 5 | Philippians 2:13

  • Each participant to be prepared, equipped and anointed to fulfill God’s purposes through them
  • Successful orientation and training for each Outreach department and area
  • Good, mild weather throughout the week and that the Lord would draw many to come and receive spiritual and physical care

Sunday, March 6 | Matthew 19:14

  • Ease and order, effective treatment and miraculous healings as the Clinic opens today
  • The Zehra Kids team to be fully equipped and have love and unity regarding God’s heart and vision for children
  • Anointing and favor on the new curriculum based on The Shema regarding prayer and friendship with God
  • Children to understand their identity, calling and heritage in Messiah as Jewish Believers

Monday, March 7 | 2 Thessalonians 3:1–3

  • Open doors and favor in the community for the Living Waters team as they distribute LifeStraws® and share the Good News in surrounding Jewish villages
  • That the Word would run swiftly, accompanied by signs and wonders, and produce fruit for eternity
  • Each outreach team member to trust in the Lord’s design of them and allow His Spirit to move powerfully through them
  • Protection from the enemy’s schemes and the battle of the mind

Tuesday, March 8 | 2 Corinthians 6:2

  • Many to visit the prayer tent and receive salvation, healing, deliverance and encouragement
  • Local congregational leaders to have great love, wisdom and stamina as they lead the prayer tent ministry
  • The strength of the Lord to operate supernaturally in the fruit and gifts of the Spirit as we love, serve, minister and pray

Wednesday, March 9 | Colossians 1:13–14

  • Daily morning prayer times and Wednesday evening worship gathering to set the spiritual atmosphere for the Clinic, campground and surrounding area
  • Any opposing forces in the spiritual or natural realm to flee in the name of Yeshua
  • The Lord to prepare ground for ongoing ministry in the community, even after we’re gone

Thursday, March 10 | Philippians 2:10–11

  • The ability to see and minister to the maximum number of patients on this last half-day of the Outreach
  • Order, favor and safety in closing and packing up the Clinic plus shalom and salvation for hired workers
  • The spiritual seeds that were sown to continue bearing fruit for eternity

Friday, March 11 | Psalm 18:19

  • Safe travels back to Harare with a timely turn-around and negative COVID-19 results required to travel internationally
  • Rest and a sense of “well-done, good and faithful servant” for each participant
  • Effectiveness and encouragement for the local congregational leaders as they follow up with new Believers and continue outreach in the community

Saturday, March 12 | Acts 2:42

  • Yeshua’s (Jesus’) presence to continue to be felt in the city and for the kingdom of Light to advance, drawing many to Him
  • The Lord to continue to grow the congregations and build up the Believers in the Masvingo region, including establishing new Believers in Him

We know the Lord will meet with you as you pray for this Zimbabwe Medical Outreach, and He will meet with us there as a result of those prayers! Thank you.

Let’s pray together now:

Lord, help us as we seek to bring Your Light, love and Good News to the people of this Zimbabwe community. We declare You are worthy to be praised in this region and that the forces of darkness must flee at Your name! May many men and women, and many children, come to know You! May many receive healing and deliverance. And may You receive the worship and glory You are due! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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