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Prayer Points: Will you Pray?

May 11, 2022

Prayer Points

We are taking the Good News to a small city in Ethiopia. It will be our first Outreach there, although there are already 10 Messianic congregations in the region.

We have been praying to break ground in new areas, as we did in Chivi, Zimbabwe, a few months ago. This can be challenging work! However, with your prayers and the Holy Spirit’s help we look forward to what the Lord will do as we enter another new area, this time in Ethiopia. We need your prayers covering this Outreach in a region that desperately needs the ministry of Yeshua (Jesus), the Prince of Peace.

Please pray with us, starting now, for this Ethiopia Medical Outreach taking place May 19–29. You can help cover these dates in prayer by signing up on our Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Watch schedule and by using these daily prayer points. Please pray for:

Wednesday, May 11–Wednesday, May 18 | Proverbs 16:3

  • The buildings we’re using to be fully prepared for our medical equipment and teams
  • The Lord to go before us and prepare the spiritual atmosphere
  • The hearts of the people in this new area to be prepared to receive Yeshua
  • Any opposition or forces of oppression to flee in Yeshua’s name

Thursday, May 19 | Psalm 121:7-8

  • Safe travels for in-country and international team members
  • Protection of all kinds and good health now and throughout the Outreach, including timely negative COVID-19 test results
  • Spiritual and physical preparedness for the rigors of breaking new ground through Outreach

Friday, May 20 | Ephesians 4:1-4

  • Unity to develop and grow among team members all through the week
  • A sweet time of fellowship and rest during the Erev Shabbat dinner tonight
  • The Lord to speak to each one regarding how He desires to use them during the Outreach
  • A protective covering from the Lord over each team member and their families back home

Saturday, May 21 | Isaiah 49:10

  • Good weather in this season and location, mild temperatures and no rainstorms throughout the week
  • Smooth orientations for the Clinic and medical professionals and all participants to be fully prepared
  • The Counseling and Prayer volunteers to be well trained and spiritually ready to minister
  • The protective presence of the Lord and His angel armies to push back forces of darkness and release the Kingdom of light

Sunday, May 22 | Deuteronomy 10:21

  • Special protection for patients who may be coming from across the border for treatment at this Clinic
  • Healing from the Lord for the many who come to be treated, even as they travel and stand in line
  • Miracles, signs, wonders and salvations to begin today as the Clinic opens
  • A new era of God’s shalom to be established among the various tribes in the region

Monday, May 23 | Matthew 10:20

  • The good reports we’ve heard about this area’s openness to the Gospel to prove true, with the Word going forth boldly and many receiving Yeshua
  • Powerful worship and prayer times each morning that glorify the Lord, strengthen the team and see God’s kingdom come in answer to prayer
  • The Living Waters team to be anointed and effective each day as they go out and share about clean water and the Living Water, Yeshua

Tuesday, May 24 | James 5:16

  • The Ethiopian pastor, a mighty man of God, who will be heading up the prayer tent and serving as trip chaplain
  • Many people to receive ministry in the prayer tent, leading to salvation, healing, and deliverance
  • A new unity among the local Messianic congregations as they work together

Wednesday, May 25 | Romans 1:16

  • A fresh revelation that deeply impacts the Gentile Believers in the region regarding God’s heart and plans for the Jewish people
  • Many Jewish people to come to believe in Yeshua
  • Locally hired workers to see how wonderful the Lord is and be saved

Thursday, May 26 | 1 Corinthians 14:40

  • The ability to see and minister to the maximum number of patients on this last half-day of the Outreach
  • Order, favor, safety and shalom in closing and packing up the Clinic
  • Safe travels to the capital city once the Clinic closes

Friday, May 27 | Matthew 25:23

  • Each participant to hear the Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
  • A blessed time of testimony and fellowship around Erev Shabbat dinner
  • The spiritual seeds that were sown to continue bearing fruit for eternity

Saturday, May 28 | Acts 9:31

  • Safe travels and smooth transitions home, including negative COVID-19 tests and luggage arriving with travelers
  • Local Messianic Believers and congregations to be encouraged and multiplied as a result of the Outreach
  • Effective follow-up among all who were interested in learning more about Jesus and that the number of people who come to know Him multiplies
  • The region to be marked by the presence and power of God, with testimonies of His goodness that will bear more fruit long after our team members have left

Let’s Pray

Lord, we long for the Jewish people in this region to learn of the love of Jesus, to be drawn to Him and receive salvation. We pray for salvation for their neighbors as well. In this area that needs You so much, we pray for Your Spirit to move and to make Yeshua known. Help us be Your hands of love and give us Your words of life to speak. We believe You truly have good news for this location. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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