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Prayer Points: You Prayed, and the Lord Answered!

June 07, 2021

Prayer Points

We are praising the Lord for recent congregational visits that two of our JVMI leaders made to Africa last month, and we want to thank you for your prayers. Logging approximately 27,000 air miles and almost 1,300 on land, our two team members visited 17 congregations and ministered to around 12,000 people. The Lord answered your prayers for their safe travels and good health throughout, and He enabled them to see Him do amazing things as they ministered.

We marvel at the scope of what the Lord is doing in and through the Messianic congregations in Africa. Here are a few prayer points to add to our praises as we keep these groups lifted in prayer:

For the leaders and congregations in Ethiopia, please pray for:

The Zimbabwean leaders and congregations need prayer also:

  • Leadership development among all congregational leaders in the five regions with which we partner
  • Increase in disciples and disciple-making
  • Grace and favor from the Lord for the congregations to be able to shine as generous communities amid the country's political and financial struggles
  • Unity among leadership and creative ideas to reach the Lemba communities with the Good News
  • Pray along these lines for the Lemba believers in South Africa as well

Let’s Pray

Lord, whether they are elders, deacons or leaders in another capacity, we lift in prayer all those in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe who are serving as under-shepherds, following the leadership of the Good Shepherd, Yeshua. We particularly pray for every leader and congregation touched by the recent congregational visits. May the ministry they received and the words spoken over and to them continue to resonate within, bringing transformation and growth by the power of Your Holy Spirit. May You be glorified by their lives and leadership and by each congregation they represent. May we witness the expansion of Your Kingdom in Africa through Messianic leaders and congregations. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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