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Prayers for Good in Evil Times

July 28, 2014


What is happening in Israel, and the world, changes hourly.  It is hard to keep up.  However, there are some key points that can be prayed at any and all times, that are general enough to fit the many, developing and volatile situations in the Middle East and elsewhere, but potent enough to hit the mark in the spiritual realm! Focus your prayers and get equipped to intercede for:

Wisdom for LEADERS:  This includes not only Israel’s leaders, but the leaders of any other nations or groups surrounding or affecting them.

Lord, cause them to be surrounded by wise counselors, and even if they are unbelievers, to seek and receive divine guidance from you. Even when driven by their own  desires and agendas, cause them to make decisions that turn out for good.  If they are Believers, may Your Holy Spirit rise up in them with such clarity that Your will is undeniable, and they are compelled to follow it!

Protection for the INNOCENT:  Whether it is an evil terrorist attack, or a legitimate military response, the innocent are often caught in the cross-fire.

Father, protect the innocent and keep them from harm’s way!  Watch over their homes, belongings and sources of livelihood as well.  May they experience Your protective love and be led to faith in You.

Building up of BELIEVERS:  It is so grievous to think of our brothers and sisters around the world in such dire straits, including Believers in Israel.

Lord, may all who know You be filled with Your Spirit, equipped by Your Word, and take courage in hard times.  May we band together in the unity of the Spirit, and shine as lights to encourage one another, and draw unbelievers to You!

Restraint of and mercy on EVIL DOERS:  This is again the Holy Spirit’s domain, Who restrains evil in the world in this age.  Our desire is that evildoers would not only be stopped from doing harm, but also stopped in their tracks and sin through a merciful encounter with Yeshua!

Yeshua, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life!  May our enemies encounter You and not only turn from evil deeds but turn to You in repentance leading to salvation!

Thwarting of the ENEMY’S SCHEMES:  The enemy is always at work in the affairs of men and nations, seeking to advance his agenda and pre-empt the work of the Kingdom.

Lord, we cry out and say “NO!” to the work of the enemy!  May his plans be thwarted and may he be trapped in his own wicked schemes!

Fulfillment of GOD’S PLANS:  There is no situation so dark that God cannot penetrate the darkness to bring light and life!

Father, even when we can’t see it, You are always at work to further Your Kingdom, bless Your People, and bring salvation in the earth.  May your will be done in THIS situation, today!

SALVATION OF MANY:  Even the hardest of times can bring great fruit for eternity.  Joseph recognized this when he acknowledged that even situations set into motion with evil intent, can be redeemed in fulfillment of God’s good plan.

Lord, as troublesome as the issues facing Israel and our world are, we know that ultimately they are for a moment.  However, the souls of these dear ones, whether Jewish, Arab, or other, are eternal.  May these troubling times be used to cause many to get in touch with the brevity of life, and seek revelation of You, leading to salvation and eternal life!  AMEN.

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