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Prayers to Reveal the Enemy’s Schemes

July 22, 2014

Two incidents last week in Israel highlight a key point for prayers in times like these.

On Thursday, a group of Palestinian fighters were stopped by the IAF in an attempt to tunnel into Israel in order to attack Kibbutz Sufa.  The Israeli military spotted them from the air and thwarted them, bringing their plot to an end and no doubt saving many lives.

Also on Thursday, the United Nation Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) extended its apologies after an alarming discovery in one of its empty schools.  During a routine inspection, about 20 rockets were found.  Obviously, this was a stock pile intended to be launched into Israel at some point.  The UNRWA had them removed and has launched an investigation.

Enemy tactics are being discovered and addressed on a daily basis in the situation between Israel and Gaza.

What does this mean for our prayers?shutterstock_92777854

The LORD hears and answers when we pray that Satan’s schemes will be exposed!  This includes ideas and plans, ungodly alliances being formed, resources set aside to do wrong, and strategies that are already in the midst of being executed.

LORD, You are the One Who, when You come, will bring to light hidden schemes and reveal the intentions and motives behind them.  Even now, we thank You for doing just that on behalf of Israel and innocent people on both sides of the Israel/Gaza border.  Thank You for the revelation of the plot to attack Kibbutz Sufa, and for the exposure of the missiles in Gaza.  Continue to cause plots, plans, and weapons to be exposed and brought out into the open before they can do harm.

We proclaim Luke 8:17 over Israel and the Jewish People, that “there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought into the open.”  According to Psalm 21:11 we declare, regarding Israel’s enemies, that “though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.”  Thank You that You are continually watchful over Israel and You don’t slumber, You don’t sleep, but You do direct Israel with Your eye, telling them what to do, where to go, and even what to see, for their safety, and for Your glory.

In the powerful Name of Yeshua, the Light of the World, AMEN!

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