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Praying for Salvation in Southern Ethiopia

May 11, 2021

Prayer Points

We’re heading back to Ethiopia! We are so happy that doors are opening, and we are preparing to walk through them with the Lord’s guidance and grace.

Our Outreach to southern Ethiopia is May 20–30. We will be revisiting a location where we previously experienced the community’s welcome and the Lord’s working. However, we don’t want to go there resting on past experience, but instead by faith and intercession for the ministry at hand.

Your prayers are deeply appreciated for every step of this arduous journey, which includes long international flights and two days of land travel each way. We believe it will all be worth it to minister medical care and the love and Good News of Yeshua (Jesus). You may not be traveling with us, but your prayers will prepare the way and accompany us as we go.

Please be sure to help cover us with prayer by signing up for a time slot on our prayer schedule to pray from home.

Please pray with us day by day for:

Wednesday–Wednesday, May 12–19 – Isaiah 40:3

  • All site preparations to be completed safely in time for the Clinic set-up and operation
  • The Lord to go before us, preparing the spiritual atmosphere and hearts so the Gospel will find good soil and take root
  • Local evangelical leaders to help prepare for the Outreach by their prayers, unity and willing partnership
  • God to prepare all staff and partners for the travel and Outreach, including good health and spiritual preparation

Thursday, May 20 – Psalm 121:8

  • Safe travel for partners as they leave home for Ethiopia
  • Negative COVID-19 test results at every checkpoint, there and back
  • Baggage arriving intact and on time, plus smooth transit through Customs
  • A restful journey with time to hear from the Lord as well as fellowship with each other

Friday, May 21 – Colossians 3:15

  • The Lord’s help getting settled into a new time zone, culture and cuisine
  • Unity for the staff and team members that grows throughout the week
  • A wonderful time observing Shabbat together
  • The Lord’s protection and good security, both in the natural and supernatural realms, everywhere we travel and stay

Saturday, May 22 – Deuteronomy 20:4

  • Safety and protection on Day 1 of traveling by land to the community where we will minister
  • Ongoing prayer for the spiritual atmosphere and receptivity of the Outreach area and the hearts of the people
  • Spiritual forces of darkness and opposition of any kind to submit to the King of Kings and flee
  • The Lord’s anointing ahead of time on every area of medical care and ministry: eye care, eye surgery, dental, medical, distribution of eyeglasses and Life Straws, spiritual care, and Zehra Kid’s Program

Sunday, May 23 – John 14:26

  • Continued safety and protection on Travel Day 2 getting to the Outreach location
  • Grace and effectiveness for each meeting and departmental training today, and safety and efficiency as the Clinic is stocked and set up
  • Everything and everyone prepared for a smooth and orderly Clinic opening Monday morning, so we can see as many people as possible each day

Monday, May 24 – Luke 18:16

  • JVMI’s Zehra’ Kid’s Program, returning to Ethiopia after a long absence
  • Zehra team members and logistics to come together quickly once onsite so that the children can be ministered to effectively
  • The Zehra team to be anointed and love working with children and one another
  • The children and community to be blessed by the Zehra program, revealing God’s heart and unlocking identity, especially for the Jewish people

Tuesday, May 25 – Colossians 1:13

  • Adjustment and anointing for new as well as returning partners
  • An outpouring of the Lord’s love and power for our Spiritual Care team as they minister in the community
  • Acts of service and words of truth to be accompanied by signs and wonders, leading to many coming to faith in Jesus
  • A deep sense of the Lord’s presence, His equipping and encouragement during the morning prayer and devotional times each day, as well as the worship meeting Wednesday night

Wednesday, May 26 – John 13:35

  • Unity among the Believers partnering together in this Outreach – JVMI staff, Outreach Partners, local Messianic congregations and evangelical Believers – exemplifying the  the love Yeshua prayed for as a witness to unbelievers
  • The local Messianic congregation to minister effectively and be passionate and prepared to conduct the follow-up ministry afterward in a timely manner
  • Jesus’ love, the Good News of salvation and the culture of the Kingdom to permeate the community, bringing hope and transformation amid hardships and challenges

Thursday, May 27 – Acts 20:24

  • A successful end to the Outreach during the Medical Clinic’s final half-day with as many people as possible receiving treatment and ministry
  • Safety and efficiency as we pack up the Clinic
  • Protection and fellowship during the 1st day of travel back to the capital

Friday, May 28 – Matthew 25:23

  • Safety during the 2nd day of land travel back to Addis Ababa
  • Negative COVID-19 tests for everyone
  • Each person to truly experience shalom and a sense of the Lord’s delight during a restful evening celebrating Shabbat together
  • The presence of the Lord to linger and the Holy Spirit to continue ministering in the community we served and the lives He touched

Saturday, May 29 – Psalm 145:1–3

  • A wonderful final day together experiencing Ethiopian culture
  • The Lord to be glorified through the team sharing testimonies about the many ways each saw Him work during the week
  • The Lord’s protection for all who are traveling home by air
  • The Lord to continue to write His love for the Ethiopian Jewish people and their neighbors on each participant’s heart and memories

Let’s Pray

Lord, please prepare our hearts with expectancy and faith for all Your purposes to be fulfilled during this Medical Outreach in southern Ethiopia. Each person we will encounter there is dear to You and needs Your salvation. May we minister practical help in Yeshua’s name so that many will trust in Him and be saved. In His name, AMEN.

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