Fear has no place in the life of a Believer in Yeshua (Jesus). We know that the power of His Spirit lives inside of us, and we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. However, life’s challenges often seem overwhelming. Debt, sickness, and in some places of the world, persecution, can make us feel less than powerful, even vulnerable.
In a tiny village in Northern Ethiopia (you won’t even find it on a map), Beta Israel Jewish people know this vulnerability well. Each day in this place called Ambo Meda, they are threatened, persecuted, and, in some cases, beaten because they are Jewish. Growing up in this part of the country is extremely difficult for Jewish children. Even attending school is dangerous.

Jewish Voice Ministries International’s (JVMI’s) Congregation and Leadership Development team stepped in to make school a safer place for the Jewish children of Ambo Meda. Partnering with the Bet Avraham Messianic Jewish Congregation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we constructed a fence ‒ made using 500 sheets of aluminum ‒ around the school to protect the children from various threats. The wall was built in just a few weeks thanks to the immense help of people from the local community who donated their labor.
We also want to thank you for your support. Because of your help, these children can now learn in peace.
Please watch this message from Ezra Benjamin, Vice President of Global Outreach at JVMI: