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Revelation 19 - We have been invited to the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb | Day 5

April 17, 2020

Revelation 19 - We have been invited to the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb | Day 5

Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude—like the roar of rushing waters or like the rumbling of powerful thunder—saying,

For Adonai Elohei-Tzva’ot reigns!

Let us rejoice and be glad
and give the glory to Him!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and His bride has made herself ready,

She was given fine linen to wear, bright and clean!
For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the kedoshim (holy ones).’

Then the angel tells me, ‘Write: How fortunate are those who have been invited to the wedding banquet of the Lamb!’ He also tells me, ‘These are the true words of God.’”

            —Revelation 19:6-9 TLV

Here in chapter 19 of Revelation, John writes that there is a future wedding – and not just any wedding – the wedding banquet of the Lamb! How marvelous is this new information and invitation! Or is it really new? Let’s take a look in Scripture.

In Matthew chapter 22 (see verses 1-11 for full parable), Yeshua tells a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven, and He compares it to a wedding feast. Yeshua states that a wedding banquet is being prepared; many are invited, but some are not ready. And He even says the right wedding clothes are important.

Again, in Matthew chapter 25, Yeshua tells another parable about wise and foolish virgins (read verses 1-12 for full parable). In this parable Yeshua compares the Kingdom of Heaven (or Day of the Lord) to 10 virgins waiting for their bridegroom. Yeshua states that five of the virgins are wise and five are foolish, but all grow weary in waiting for their bridegroom to appear. When he does appear only the five wise virgins enter into the wedding feast!

“…And those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut. Now later, the other virgins came, saying, ‘Sir, Sir, open up for us!’ But he replied, ‘Amen, I tell you, I do not know you.’ Therefore stay alert, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

         —Matthew 25:10b-12 TLV

Now back to the book of Revelation where we read this portion of chapter 19 with new lenses. Yeshua has given us context and some clarity about this event, but John is now seeing and giving us details into this future event at its culmination! I believe these details should encourage us greatly.

  1. John sees a great multitude! The encouragement here is that there is a great multitude of Believers throughout time who not only receive the invitation to Yeshua’s wedding banquet, but are seated at the table.
  2. This multitude is worshiping and praising God that this day has come! This multitude were like the five wise virgins waiting for their bridegroom.
  3. John tells us that the “bride” (of Messiah) has been made ready and has been given the proper wedding attire to wear. John also says that this fine bright and clean linen that the guests are dressed in are the righteous deeds (mitzvah) of the Believers (holy ones).
  4. Finally, an angel says to John “how fortunate are those who have been invited to the wedding banquet” and goes a step further to make sure John writes down that “these are the true words of God.” This day and these words are real and true!

I hope you can find great encouragement in these passages as I have over the years. Yeshua has invited a multitude to His wedding day and it is a glorious day! What He asks of us is to be ready ( live a faithful life of devotion to loving Him and others). When we do this, we are fulfilling good deeds (mitzvah) that make us bright and clean on His wedding day.

When we face trials or difficult times, our human tendency can be selfish or operate from the flesh rather than love and the Spirit. I encourage you to picture this day when you are faced with difficult times, days, weeks and even people. When we operate from a place of hope because we have a great future, then we will live out of the place of love and good deeds. Let’s not be those invited who were not ready, but those who overcome through hope and love.

Now take some time to carefully reflect on the questions below and journal your answers.

  1. What is God saying through His Word?
  2. What is God saying to me?
  3. How should/can I respond?

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