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Rockets Rain Down on Israel on Day 12

July 19, 2014

Mideast Israel PalestiniansTwo IDF officers were killed this morning when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory via a tunnel under the border fence from the central Gaza Strip and ambushed a military vehicle patrolling on the Israeli side of the border, “The Times of Israel” reports. Larger units of soldiers were deployed to the Israeli side of the Gaza border after the incident to guard against further such attacks.

Earlier today, the Israeli army had foiled a major attack on Israeli civilians and soldiers near Ein Hashlosha on the Gaza border. Four soldiers were wounded and one terrorist was killed in gunfire exchanges, after a number of terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory through an underground tunnel, the army reported. Material at the scene included plastic handcuffs, indicating that the terrorists planned to kill and kidnap Israeli civilians and/or soldiers.

While the Iron Dome defense system has been a crucial factor in Operation Protective Edge, the advanced mechanism cannot intercept mortars fired at targets in proximity to the border. Rocket attacks from across the Gaza border fence persisted Saturday, as rockets rained down on Israeli territory.

Some analysts believe that Hamas remains committed to the destruction of Israel, as they continue to send terrorists into tunnels in southern Israel. The army estimates that there are 20 more such tunnels, and that further efforts to infiltrate and kill Israelis are likely.

The deception by Hamas continues, as IDF Chief Benny Gantz said last night that “Hamas is broadcasting that they have besieged Tel Aviv and that they will start the invasion of Israel shortly. Not that the IDF is striking hard at Gaza, has its ground troops hitting Hamas in the Palestinian enclave, and is setting back the Hamas terrorist infrastructure by years.”

IDF officials said around 50,000 Palestinians have left their homes in the Strip following warnings from Israel that the army intends to operate against Hamas targets in the areas in which the Gaza residents live. So the war rages and the prospect of a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel appears on the surface to be more remote.

Please pray for:Pray1-copy-2

  • The grieving families of IDF officers Amotz Greenberg and Adar Barsano, and two civilians, killed today as fighting continues, bringing Israeli casualties to a total of five
  • Peace and protection to prevail, choreographed by The Prince of Peace—Yeshua, the Messiah of all the earth and its inhabitants
  • The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to order the path of life for His Chosen People
  • For the lies of the enemy to be exposed and truth to triumph regarding Israel’s right to defend itself as protests escalate around the world condemning Israel
  • The decision makers, and all those in authority on both sides of the border to see and recognize their Master, the King of Heaven and His Son, Yeshua HaMaschiach and boldly proclaim Him as Lord of all!

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