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Scripture Prayers for Unity

March 28, 2014

DSC_4872-1232669999-OThe enemy understands well the old adage, “Divide and conquer.”  He knows if he can get us to live at odds with one another, he can render most of our ministry efforts ineffective.

Scripture counters this potential weakness by communicating a repeated call for unity, and the things which encourage it: love, humility, and forbearance.

Since unity is such a key element for the building up of Believers and the advance of the Kingdom, please pray for ongoing unity for our Jewish Voice staff, our Global Outreach teams, and also among the growing numbers of Believers in each area to which we reach out.  In fact, because of its great importance, our Global Outreach Team leaders ask for prayer for unity preceding every outreach, and celebrate its presence during and after each of the mission trips.  Join us in these Scripture-based prayers for unity for all the aspects and expressions of Jewish Voice Ministries. You can easily adapt these prayers for your own family, congregation, and circle of relationships as well.

Father, please answer Yeshua’s prayer by bringing us to complete unity.  We ask this so that those to whom we reach out – even the whole world – will know that You sent Yeshua, and that You love us, just as you love Him. 

May we agree with one another so there will be no division.  Help us to work effectively together as a properly functioning body – each one doing his or her part in perfect coordination with the rest. 

Enable us by the Holy Spirit to be completely humble and gentle in our interactions with one another, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  Just as we are united with Messiah and have fellowship with the Spirit, help us to also be like-minded, being one in all we are doing and how we are going about it, operating out of humility and honoring one another. 

Lord, make us true followers of Yeshua, and give us the much needed endurance and encouragement for which we look to You.  May we glorify You together with such unity that it’s as if we shared the same heart and voice!  It is so good when we are living, working and ministering together in unity! 


Prayers based on John 17:23; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 4:1-3; Philippians 2:1-3; Romans 15:5-6 and Psalm 133:1-3.

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