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See the Impact You Made in 2014

February 17, 2015

2014-Annual-Report-BANNER3, 2014

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we stood at the edge of a new year and looked ahead to what the year 2014 would bring. And here we are, already in February and looking at 2015 stretched out before us! The marking of a new year is a wonderful time to look back and review the previous year.

Your partnership with us made wonderful things happen last year! You were a part of so much blessing to Jewish People all over the world. Jewish Voice is committed to sharing the Good News of Yeshua with “the Jew first and also the Nations,” and we can’t do it without you. We thank you so much for your part in the work of 2014.

We invite you to join us in taking a look at the past year through our Jewish Voice Ministries 2014 Annual Report. See what you helped accomplish! See how, with your partnership, we extended our reach into a world that needs to know Yeshua and to know that God has not forgotten His People.

We think you’ll enjoy looking through the colorful, easy-to-read 2014 report, and rejoice with us at how God used you through Jewish Voice around the world last year. Photos and exciting information convey the wide variety of ways Jewish Voice carried out our mission in 2014.

We can’t thank you enough for all you did to make 2014 a powerful year of ministry.

Your support helped touch thousands upon thousands of lives in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ukraine, Israel, the US, Canada, UK, and beyond! We’re in this together, this work for God’s kingdom. Thanks for linking arms with us and making so much ministry happen!

See the JVMI 2014 Annual Report

JVMI annual report button


Visit the Jewish Voice website to learn more about the various ways we share the Good News of Yeshua to a hurting world, to the Jew first and also to the Nations.

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