Whenever we ask you to pray for an Outreach, we always include a prayer request for “follow-up.” We are very aware that your prayers for the entire follow-up process are crucial to its success, but you may wonder what it entails.
Our desires for every Outreach go way beyond the Outreach week itself. Yes, we want to bless the people in the region with medical care and clean water, which will improve their quality of life. However, our deepest hope is that they will receive the Good News and, along with it, eternal life. When people do come to faith in Messiah Jesus, life-long fellowship with others is critical to their well-being and fruitfulness as Believers.
Here are some key aspects of the follow-up process that begins as each Outreach ends. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please pray for:
- Spiritual and physical stamina for the congregational leaders that we partner with for the spiritual care aspect of each Outreach itself. They sometimes come from many miles away, and once our Outreach team goes home, the long-term work in the community is just beginning
- Success for these leaders in connecting – following up – with those who became Believers or expressed interest during the Outreach. This usually takes place during the month or two following an Outreach
- A clear review of the Gospel during those visits and the invitation to move forward in their new-found faith
- Small home fellowship groups to start in good locations and with godly leadership
- These small gatherings to grow in members and maturity as experienced leaders from other congregations nurture them
- The identification of local spiritual leaders in the new groups and appointment of elders as new congregations form
- Protection of the leaders helping to disciple and establish these congregations, as well as the new Believers and fledgling leaders
Leaders pioneering the work in these new locations after a Medical Clinic would likely read this simple list and say, “Easier said than done!” Yet by God’s grace and their partnership in the Gospel, we have seen congregations planted time and again following Outreaches. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this critical process, which lasts many months – even years – beyond the conclusion of each Outreach.
Let’s Pray:
Lord, a key and familiar phrase from Acts is that “many were added to their number.” As new Believers come into Your spiritual family, may they also be planted in new congregational families that have been raised up in their area. Thank you for their new birth, as well as fellowship and discipleship with others in local bodies of Believers, according to the plan You set forth in Your Word. This is a miracle we’ve seen repeated many times, and we humbly ask, Lord, “Do it again!” In Jesus’ name, AMEN.