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There is No Escaping What Israel Represents

February 19, 2015

New_Banner_Email We took note of a couple of interesting statistical comments regarding Israel on social media this week. F-15_pilots_Elmendorf.jpg, Israel, Israeli Air Force The first was an item on Twitter that included a photo of two female Israeli Air Forces combat pilots standing by their fighter jets. The item pointed out that there are more women F-16 pilots in Israel than there are women car drivers in Saudi Arabia.

That’s true, of course. Women are forbidden to drive in that Islamic kingdom, whereas women in Israel participate fully and equally in every facet of Israeli society — including military defense.

The second was a report that noted Israel currently produces more new business start-ups than Japan, India, Korea, or the United Kingdom. It also pointed out that there are now more Israeli companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange — the exchange dominated by technology companies — than any other nation on Earth other than the United States.

There is no escaping the fact that the tiny nation of Israel represents a remarkable island of Western Civilization values and modernity — floating in an increasingly turbulent sea of medieval barbarism. Is it any mystery why her neighbors ceaselessly work to destroy her?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surely had these hard realities in mind this week when he addressed the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in New York City. In his speech, Netanyahu pointed out that a “rampaging” Iran has almost succeeded in forcing Israel to defend herself on three fronts. He stated that Iran is “trying to envelope Israel with three terrorist tentacles – in Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas in Gaza, and now it's trying to build with its Hezbollah proxies a third front in the Golan" (Arutz Sheva).

This speech comes as Netanyahu is personally fighting for his electoral life back in Israel. There, he is facing strong challenges from a number of different political parties.

Pray for Israel and her leadership 

Please join us in covering these elections in prayer — specifically that God would continue to bless Israel with strong, wise leadership that is dedicated to putting Israel’s security first.

Please know that here at Jewish Voice Ministries we’re tirelessly proclaiming the truth about Israel in the media and doing what we can to combat the rising tide of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that is sweeping the globe.

We’re also rolling out plans to expand our presence within Israel even as we continue to encourage, bless, and minister to oppressed groups of Jewish People in far corners of the Earth.

Your support enables us to do all of this. Together we are bringing humanitarian aid to fragile Holocaust survivors in Israel, as well as impoverished men, women, and children of “Lost Tribes” communities in Africa and India.

When you give to Jewish Voice, you give to all of these vital endeavors. To thank you for your generous contribution today, we'd like to send you an especially moving gift. The "Yeshua at the Wailing Wall" plate depicts Yeshua reaching out to those praying at the Wall and reveals His deep longing for His People to come to Him as their Messiah.

Your support means so much. We are grateful for your partnership in this work.

Jesus at the Wailing Wall


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