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Thousands Made Their Voices Heard

July 27, 2015

Jewish Voice Ministries recently sent over 6,100 signed “Declarations of Concern” to the European Commission on Anti-Semitism. The statements went to the Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker and expressed profound concern about the resurgence of European anti-Semitism.

Headlines reveal that acts of violence, hate speech, and discrimination are on the increase in Europe, both in frequency and intensity. Many people feel powerless against this latest surge of one of the oldest and ugliest hatreds. But without intervention, such a monster will only gain traction and become even harder to fight.

Jewish Voice is committed to speaking out against anti-Semitism and helping others understand its dangers. That’s why we recently asked our supporters to come together and let their collective voices be heard by signing a Declaration of Concern.

Thousands responded, calling on the Commission to do everything in its power to stop the rising tide of anti-Semitic events occurring in Europe. The declaration called on the European governments to

* increase their efforts to combat anti-Semitism,

* act quickly to condemn anti-Semitic acts, and

* educate the public about Europe’s dark anti-Semitic past so as not to repeat it.

Signers proclaimed that they stand in solidarity with the Jewish People of Europe and are praying for their safety, security, and peace of mind, both personally and nationally.

Last month, the over 6,100 signed statements were sent to the Commission’s President.

We want to thank you for standing up and speaking out against the wakening monster of anti-Semitism. Your voice has strengthened the cry for European countries to not allow any increase in anti-Semitic momentum, but to fight aggressively against it. Together we raise a more powerful and effective plea.


To learn more about the increase of anti-Semitism and how you can help combat it, visit the Jewish Voice Blog including posts:

Twelve Ways to Pray against Anti-Semitism Nine Ways You Can Support Israel Anti-Semitism, a Boundless Hate toward Jewish People Anti-Semitic & Anti-Israel Attitudes Exploded in 2014

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