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Time is Growing Short

April 14, 2014

The US is about to return stolen property to the bully that took it. Will you help us spread the word to stop it?

Time is growing short to reach our petition goal for the Rescue Jewish Property project and stop stolen Jewish property from being returned to those who took it. We need your help!

If you recall, the collection of documents, books, and possessions known as the Iraqi Jewish Archive encompasses a 2,500 year history of the once-thriving Jewish population of Iraq. During the height of persecution, Jewish citizens were forced to surrender or abandon their possessions and in June this archive is about to be returned to Iraq, not the Jewish People from whom the artifacts were stolen.

If you have already signed the petition asking that the property be returned to the Jewish People and not Iraq, THANK YOU! Our goal is to submit ONE MILLION signatures to the US State Department by the end of May. Will you help us reach it? The world is watching. Will we do the right thing by the Jewish People and our ally Israel, or will we stand by and allow further injustice?

What You Can Do to Help:

•    Sign the petition! We are looking for ONE MILLION signatures to submit to the US State Department. Add your name to the growing list to insist that this stolen property is returned to its rightful owners, the Iraqi Jewish People. Sign the petition today!

•    Visit and Share the Website! Go to to learn more and see photos, stories, and videos. Watch the Jewish Voice exclusive interview with Ambassador Zvi Gabay for his personal story as an Iraqi Jew. THEN, spread the word in your circle of family, friends, Bible studies, home groups, church bulletin, newsletters and bulletin boards. Share this important cause with your congregation and help avert the pending tragedy of returning these treasures to the bullies that stole them.

•    SHARE the cause! Help us get the word out by SHARING it! Forward this e-mail to your friends, share it on your social media platforms, through emails, and talking to your congregation, colleagues, and friends.

•    Like us on Facebook at Rescue Jewish Property Facebook. Share the posts and story links on your Timeline.

•    Follow us on Twitter @jewishproperty.

Sign the petition today!

For more information and photos of the treasury of artifacts visit our website:


Watch an exclusive interview with Israeli Ambassador Zvi Gabay, an Iraqi born Jew whose family fled to Israel to escape persecution. He shares his personal story with Jonathan Bernis, and offers a rich perspective on the Iraqi Jewish Archive from a professional perspective as well. His career with Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent him around the world serving in various consular posts. Mr. Gabay retired in 2000 at the rank of Senior Ambassador. He currently serves on the board of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center.

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