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Two Major Events Are on the Horizon

August 13, 2015

This fall, we are looking forward with excitement to doing new things, knowing the Lord has gone before us and is leading the way! Our television program is going daily, and we are returning to Ukraine, but this time to Odessa! We are taking our “Hear O’ Israel!” Festival of Jewish Music & Dance to Odessa, Ukraine, this year!

Odessa has a rich Jewish history, but it is a hard history as well, fraught with times of turbulence and persecution for the Jewish population. Last year when we held our Festival in Kiev, we found the Jewish People to be very hungry for hope from Jewish People! They were grateful we came, and that is why our Festival was profoundly meaningful for them. This year we have the opportunity to bring hope to the same nation, but a completely different city, Odessa. Please pray with us for the Odessa Festival outreach taking place from September 4-14. Please pray:


  • That every detail of this huge and beautiful Festival will fall into place with ease.
  • For the health of our team; the many Ukrainian Believers partnering with us; and the performers from around the world who will be joining us there.
  • For protection from all opposition of any form.
  • For a spirit of unity and grace to fuel our every effort so that we will be effective as well as a blessing in all we do.
  • That the Lord will engage people’s hearts to make a decision to come to the Festival as soon as they see and hear the invitations.
  • That this event will usher in an unprecedented season of encouragement, blessing, and salvation for the Jewish People of Odessa, leading them to their Messiah, Yeshua.

jvmi_-tv_banner__2_ Our “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis” television program is going daily!

This fall we are kicking off our daily airing of “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis,” and the excitement – and level of activity in our studio – is building! As we move towards this wonderful opportunity to reach even more people with relevant guests and exciting topics, we covet your prayers. So much prayer, planning, and hard work goes into each program, and we appreciate your participation not only as viewers, but also as prayer partners! Please join us in interceding for:

  • Health and strength for our entire Media Team as they work together to do what we have never done before – produce a daily program!
  • Rest in our ministry, because in one way or another, almost every other department is impacted by this exciting expansion of our television viewings.
  • Each piece of technology and equipment in our studio and editing department to function perfectly.
  • Each of our television tapings to go smoothly, with no technical issues, and a minimum of “retakes.”
  • A special anointing on Jonathan Bernis as he presents engaging Scripture teaching and interviews our captivating guests.
  • An equal anointing on our guests themselves – may they come full of the Spirit, and may their words impart timely truths and insights for the Body of Messiah, for today!

Thank you for your prayers! Here’s a fun glimpse back stage at our television tapings, where we asked some of our guests for their reaction to our program going daily:


Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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