This is an urgent call to prayer for an amazing event, coming up immediately!
This year, we experienced a Passover like never before. The whole world was behind closed doors, praying for protection from a “plague.” As a result, Believers have been connecting globally through technology to worship, pray, seek the Lord and declare the Lord’s blessing over their cities and nations.
But what’s next? The Lord spoke to Rabbi Jonathan Bernis regarding Shavuot and Pentecost’s significance, which are next on God’s timetable for this year. He laid an idea on Rabbi Jonathan’s heart for an extraordinary television and streaming event – one that could draw Believers together, turn attention to the Lord in seeking Him for unity and revival, and stir the Church toward God’s heart for Israel.
As Rabbi Jonathan contacted friends to see if they were interested in participating, he was overwhelmed by their enthusiastic responses and the sense that this is from the Lord. This special event, A NIGHT OF PROMISE, will air Friday and Saturday evenings, May 29 and 30, on networks and stations across the US and beyond — and will be streaming on Facebook and other platforms.
We feel the weight of this potent opportunity, and we are filled with expectant anticipation for how the Lord will use it at this appointed time.
Will you join us in interceding? Please pray before the event; pray when you tune in, and pray “rear-guard prayers” afterward. This is an enormous opportunity!
There is a unique worldwide call from the Lord in this season, coinciding with the convergence of Shavuot and Pentecost
God is calling the Body to unity and revival
He desires to impart greater understanding and opportunity across the global Body of Believers regarding standing with Israel
- As we come together and answer His call, He is pouring out His Spirit
- An anointing from the Lord on this event and everyone participating
- Protection from the spiritual battle over this initiative that is seeking to help people understand and partner with God's heart for Israel and the Jewish people
- Special protection in the areas of communication, equipment, technology, relationships and health
- Every aspect of the event to come together perfectly and accomplish God’s will
- Unity of the Spirit among everyone involved, leading to unity throughout the Body
- Many people to be blessed and drawn deeper into partnership with God's heart for Israel
- God to ignite revival across the globe
- An outpouring of tangible support that will deeply impact Israel as Believers worldwide answer the call to bless in this time of need
We pray:
LORD, the world is full of division and fear, but Your righteous plans and beautiful promises remain the same. Would You continue calling the Body to attention through this season and this event, to look to You for an outpouring of Your Spirit? May we trust in You, love one another, and partner with You in Your love for the Jewish people and their neighbors in Israel. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.