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Urgent Prayer Needed for the Gefat of Ethiopia

July 14, 2014

Jonathan has just been informed of an extremely troubling situation among our beloved friends, the Gefat Beta Israel community near Hosanna, Ethiopia. We have ministered to them physically and spiritually during our Medical Outreaches and many have come to know Yeshua and gather congregationally.

The Messianic leader from the area who contacted Jonathan informs us:



Since July 6, the Gefat Beta Israel community in the Hosanna area has been experiencing unusual and severe persecution. Eye witnesses say that it is because of a disagreement that occurred between two men, one from the Gefat community and the other from the surrounding area. This altercation has escalated, with one person reportedly having died, and others being jailed, kidnapped, injured, and having their homes burned.

As a result, over 200 of the Gefat Beta Israel community have been forced to leave their homes and migrate to another village, with no provision for basic needs. Those who are still in or near the area where the persecution is occurring are unprotected. In fact, in nearby villages, some of the people are insisting that the Gefat now leave the country completely because they are Jewish.

This is a shocking turn of events and just one more example of the way the evil one is stepping up his strategy worldwide to use “events” like a simple disagreement between two men to trigger and accelerate large scale strife, persecution and anti-Semitism. The Messianic leader in Ethiopia who reported this travesty to us also feels it is a direct attack of the adversary to stop the ongoing, prophetic Messianic Movement that is flourishing in this region.

Please join us in urgent prayer for these dear people, already impoverished, whose leaders are themselves in prayer and fasting for God’s rescue. Jonathan’s contact says, “Help us with prayers since God is the only one who is able to deliver His People from any persecution and provide for their needs.” Pray for:

  • Favor for our contacts in the Gefat community and the committee that has been formed, as they urgently press in to obtain the government approvals required for the release of emergency provisions for those who have been burned, injured, or displaced and are in immediate need
  • Resolution of the issues that both started and are fueling this persecution
  • Peace to be restored and the displaced to be able to return home in safety
  • Jewish Voice Ministries as we seek to not only aid the Gefat ourselves, but enlist others to as well
  • The Messianic Leaders and Believers to be strong in the midst of persecution, and a testimony of  Yeshua to those around them
  • The very name “Gefat” means “persecuted!” Claim instead blessing and favor over them, and that the only persecution they will face will be as victorious followers of Yeshua
  • Ultimately, may the Kingdom advance in Ethiopia, and may many come to Yeshua and put their faith in Him!

May what the enemy intends for evil be turned to good! Thank you for your prayers for the Gefat People, and your continued prayers for the peace of Jerusalem!

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Start praying now for our upcoming 2014 Medical Outreaches, and consider joining us!

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